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NRF52832 Maximum number of central links

HI, I found that the maximum number of connections 52832 can only be 15 connections, like this

// <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of central links. 

When I set up more than 15 when the compiler will be wrong, I would like to know what method can set the maximum number of links to 20

I am using the example is :

  • Firstly maximum number of links and GAP/GATT roles doesn't depend on HW you use (nRF2832 in this case) but BLE stack you use! Then latest Nordic S140 and S132 stacks for nRF52 chips support up to 20 concurrent connection links so no, 15 is not the limit. Secondly if you are not fine with this limit you have two obvious choices: go with other stacks (e.g. Zephyr should support at least 32 links today) or develop your own!

    If you are fine with 20 and you just want to modify\examples\ble_central\ble_app_multilink_central example to handle more links then it has 8 central links configured in nRF5 SDK v14.1.0 and you can easily modify that in examples\ble_central\ble_app_multilink_central\pca10040\s132\config\sdk_config.h file by modifying following lines:

    // <h> nRF_SoftDevice 
    // <e> NRF_SDH_BLE_ENABLED - nrf_sdh_ble - SoftDevice BLE event handler
    #define NRF_SDH_BLE_ENABLED 1
    // <h> BLE Stack configuration - Stack configuration parameters
    // <i> These values are not used directly by the SoftDevice handler but the application or other libraries might depend on them.
    // <i> Keep them up-to-date with the desired configuration.
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of peripheral links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of central links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of total concurrent connections using the default configuration. 
  • hi, endnode, I has changed the file "app_util.h" as your answer, but the maxnum of link count is only 16,if the number bigger than 16  will show this error, how can i fix it? 

    ..\..\..\main.c(94): error:  #29: expected an expression
      BLE_LBS_C_ARRAY_DEF(m_lbs_c, NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT);           /**< LED Button client instances. */
    ..\..\..\main.c(95): error:  #29: expected an expression
      BLE_DB_DISCOVERY_ARRAY_DEF(m_db_disc, NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT);  /**< Database discovery module instances. */
    ..\..\..\main.c: 0 warnings, 2 errors

    the sdk_config.h

    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of peripheral links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of central links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of total concurrent connections using the default configuration. 


     * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
     * All rights reserved.
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
     * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
     * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
     *    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic
     *    Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for
     *    such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
     *    conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
     *    materials provided with the distribution.
     * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its
     *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
     *    software without specific prior written permission.
     * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a
     *    Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit.
     * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse
     *    engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled.
    /** @file
     * @defgroup app_util Utility Functions and Definitions
     * @{
     * @ingroup app_common
     * @brief Various types and definitions available to all applications.
    #ifndef APP_UTIL_H__
    #define APP_UTIL_H__
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include "compiler_abstraction.h"
    #include "nordic_common.h"
    #include "nrf.h"
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    //lint -save -e27 -e10 -e19
    #if defined ( __CC_ARM ) && !defined (__LINT__)
    extern char STACK$$Base;
    extern char STACK$$Length;
    #define STACK_BASE    &STACK$$Base
    #define STACK_TOP    ((void*)((uint32_t)STACK_BASE + (uint32_t)&STACK$$Length))
    #elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
    extern char CSTACK$$Base;
    extern char CSTACK$$Length;
    #define STACK_BASE    &CSTACK$$Base
    #define STACK_TOP    ((void*)((uint32_t)STACK_BASE + (uint32_t)&CSTACK$$Length))
    #elif defined   ( __GNUC__ )
    extern uint32_t __StackTop;
    extern uint32_t __StackLimit;
    #define STACK_BASE    &__StackLimit
    #define STACK_TOP     &__StackTop
    //lint -restore
        UNIT_0_625_MS = 625,        /**< Number of microseconds in 0.625 milliseconds. */
        UNIT_1_25_MS  = 1250,       /**< Number of microseconds in 1.25 milliseconds. */
        UNIT_10_MS    = 10000       /**< Number of microseconds in 10 milliseconds. */
    /*Segger embedded studio originally has offsetof macro which cannot be used in macros (like STATIC_ASSERT).
      This redefinition is to allow using that. */
    #if defined(__SES_ARM) && defined(__GNUC__)
    #undef offsetof
    #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER)
    /**@brief Implementation specific macro for delayed macro expansion used in string concatenation
    * @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
    * @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
    #define STRING_CONCATENATE_IMPL(lhs, rhs) lhs ## rhs
    /**@brief Macro used to concatenate string using delayed macro expansion
    * @note This macro will delay concatenation until the expressions have been resolved
    * @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
    * @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
    #ifndef __LINT__
    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      _Static_assert(EXPR, "unspecified message")
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    _Static_assert(EXPR, MSG)
    #ifdef __CC_ARM
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      extern char (*_do_assert(void)) [sizeof(char[1 - 2*!(EXPR)])]
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    extern char (*_do_assert(void)) [sizeof(char[1 - 2*!(EXPR)])]
    #ifdef __ICCARM__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      static_assert(EXPR, "unspecified message")
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    static_assert(EXPR, MSG)
    #else // __LINT__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      extern char (*_ignore(void))
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    extern char (*_ignore(void))
     * @brief   Static (i.e. compile time) assert macro.
     * @note The output of STATIC_ASSERT can be different across compilers.
     * Usage:
     * STATIC_ASSERT(expression);
     * STATIC_ASSERT(expression, message);
     * @hideinitializer
    //lint -save -esym(???, STATIC_ASSERT)
    #define STATIC_ASSERT(...)                                                                          \
        _SELECT_ASSERT_FUNC(x, ##__VA_ARGS__,                                                           \
                            STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(__VA_ARGS__),                                             \
    //lint -restore
    /**@brief Implementation details for NUM_VAR_ARGS */
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(                              \
        _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10,       \
        _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20,  \
        _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30,  \
        _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40,  \
        _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50,  \
        _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60,  \
        _61, _62, N, ...) N
    /**@brief Macro to get the number of arguments in a call variadic macro call
     * param[in]    ...     List of arguments
     * @retval  Number of variadic arguments in the argument list
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS(...) NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 63, 62, 61,  \
        60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51,                         \
        50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41,                         \
        40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31,                         \
        30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,                         \
        20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,                         \
        10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    /**@brief Implementation details for NUM_VAR_ARGS */
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1_IMPL(                       \
        _ignored,                                          \
        _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10,       \
        _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20,  \
        _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30,  \
        _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40,  \
        _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50,  \
        _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60,  \
        _61, _62, N, ...) N
    /**@brief Macro to get the number of arguments in a call variadic macro call.
     * First argument is not counted.
     * param[in]    ...     List of arguments
     * @retval  Number of variadic arguments in the argument list
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(...) NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 63, 62, 61,  \
        60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51,                         \
        50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41,                         \
        40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31,                         \
        30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,                         \
        20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,                         \
        10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, ~)
    /**@brief type for holding an encoded (i.e. little endian) 16 bit unsigned integer. */
    typedef uint8_t uint16_le_t[2];
    /**@brief Type for holding an encoded (i.e. little endian) 32 bit unsigned integer. */
    typedef uint8_t uint32_le_t[4];
    /**@brief Byte array type. */
    typedef struct
        uint16_t  size;                 /**< Number of array entries. */
        uint8_t * p_data;               /**< Pointer to array entries. */
    } uint8_array_t;
    /**@brief Macro for performing rounded integer division (as opposed to truncating the result).
     * @param[in]   A   Numerator.
     * @param[in]   B   Denominator.
     * @return      Rounded (integer) result of dividing A by B.
    #define ROUNDED_DIV(A, B) (((A) + ((B) / 2)) / (B))
    /**@brief Macro for checking if an integer is a power of two.
     * @param[in]   A   Number to be tested.
     * @return      true if value is power of two.
     * @return      false if value not power of two.
    #define IS_POWER_OF_TWO(A) ( ((A) != 0) && ((((A) - 1) & (A)) == 0) )
    /**@brief Macro for converting milliseconds to ticks.
     * @param[in] TIME          Number of milliseconds to convert.
     * @param[in] RESOLUTION    Unit to be converted to in [us/ticks].
    /**@brief Macro for performing integer division, making sure the result is rounded up.
     * @details One typical use for this is to compute the number of objects with size B is needed to
     *          hold A number of bytes.
     * @param[in]   A   Numerator.
     * @param[in]   B   Denominator.
     * @return      Integer result of dividing A by B, rounded up.
    #define CEIL_DIV(A, B)      \
        (((A) + (B) - 1) / (B))
    /**@brief Macro for creating a buffer aligned to 4 bytes.
     * @param[in]   NAME        Name of the buffor.
     * @param[in]   MIN_SIZE    Size of this buffor (it will be rounded up to multiples of 4 bytes).
    #define WORD_ALIGNED_MEM_BUFF(NAME, MIN_SIZE) static uint32_t NAME[CEIL_DIV(MIN_SIZE, sizeof(uint32_t))]
    /**@brief Macro for calculating the number of words that are needed to hold a number of bytes.
     * @details Adds 3 and divides by 4.
     * @param[in]  n_bytes  The number of bytes.
     * @return The number of words that @p n_bytes take up (rounded up).
    #define BYTES_TO_WORDS(n_bytes) (((n_bytes) + 3) >> 2)
    /**@brief The number of bytes in a word.
    #define BYTES_PER_WORD (4)
    /**@brief Macro for increasing a number to the nearest (larger) multiple of another number.
     * @param[in]  alignment  The number to align to.
     * @param[in]  number     The number to align (increase).
     * @return The aligned (increased) @p number.
    #define ALIGN_NUM(alignment, number) ((number - 1) + alignment - ((number - 1) % alignment))
    /**@brief Macro for getting first of 2 parameters.
     * @param[in] a1    First parameter.
     * @param[in] a2    Second parameter.
    #define GET_ARG_1(a1, a2) a1
    /**@brief Macro for getting second of 2 parameters.
     * @param[in] a1    First parameter.
     * @param[in] a2    Second parameter.
    #define GET_ARG_2(a1, a2) a2
    /**@brief Container of macro (borrowed from Linux kernel).
     * This macro returns parent structure address basing on child member address.
     * @param ptr       Address of child type.
     * @param type      Type of parent structure.
     * @param member    Name of child field in parent structure.
     * @return Parent structure address.
     * */
    #define CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member)                 \
            (type *)((char *)ptr - offsetof(type, member))
     * @brief Define Bit-field mask
     * Macro that defined the mask with selected number of bits set, starting from
     * provided bit number.
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
    #define BF_MASK(bcnt, boff) ( ((1U << (bcnt)) - 1U) << (boff) )
     * @brief Get bit-field
     * Macro that extracts selected bit-field from provided value
     * @param[in] val  Value from witch selected bit-field would be extracted
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
     * @return Value of the selected bits
    #define BF_GET(val, bcnt, boff) ( ( (val) & BF_MASK((bcnt), (boff)) ) >> (boff) )
     * @brief Create bit-field value
     * Value is masked and shifted to match given bit-field
     * @param[in] val  Value to set on bit-field
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits for bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Offset of bit-field
     * @return Value positioned of given bit-field.
    #define BF_VAL(val, bcnt, boff) ( (((uint32_t)(val)) << (boff)) & BF_MASK(bcnt, boff) )
     * @name Configuration of complex bit-field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @{
    /** @brief Position of bit count in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BCNT_POS  0U
    /** @brief Mask of bit count in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BCNT_MASK (0xffU << BF_CX_BCNT_POS)
    /** @brief Position of bit position in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BOFF_POS  8U
    /** @brief Mask of bit position in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BOFF_MASK (0xffU << BF_CX_BOFF_POS)
    /** @} */
     * @brief Define complex bit-field
     * Complex bit-field would contain its position and size in one number.
     * @sa BF_CX_MASK
     * @sa BF_CX_POS
     * @sa BF_CX_GET
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
     * @return The single number that describes the bit-field completely.
    #define BF_CX(bcnt, boff) ( ((((uint32_t)(bcnt)) << BF_CX_BCNT_POS) & BF_CX_BCNT_MASK) | ((((uint32_t)(boff)) << BF_CX_BOFF_POS) & BF_CX_BOFF_MASK) )
     * @brief Get number of bits in bit-field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Number of bits in given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx) ( ((bf_cx) & BF_CX_BCNT_MASK) >> BF_CX_BCNT_POS )
     * @brief Get lowest bit number in the field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Lowest bit number in given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx) ( ((bf_cx) & BF_CX_BOFF_MASK) >> BF_CX_BOFF_POS )
     * @brief Get bit mask of the selected field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Mask of given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_MASK(bf_cx) BF_MASK(BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Get bit-field
     * Macro that extracts selected bit-field from provided value.
     * Bit-field is given as a complex value.
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @sa BF_GET
     * @param[in] val   Value from witch selected bit-field would be extracted
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Value of the selected bits.
    #define BF_CX_GET(val, bf_cx) BF_GET(val, BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Create bit-field value
     * Value is masked and shifted to match given bit-field.
     * @param[in] val  Value to set on bit-field
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Value positioned of given bit-field.
    #define BF_CX_VAL(val, bf_cx) BF_VAL(val, BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Extracting data from the brackets
     * This macro get rid of brackets around the argument.
     * It can be used to pass multiple arguments in logical one argument to a macro.
     * Call it with arguments inside brackets:
     * @code
     * #define ARGUMENTS (a, b, c)
     * @endcode
     * It would produce:
     * @code
     * a, b, c
     * @endcode
     * @param a Argument with anything inside brackets
     * @return Anything that appears inside the brackets of the argument
     * @note
     * The argument of the macro have to be inside brackets.
     * In other case the compilation would fail.
    #define BRACKET_EXTRACT__(...) __VA_ARGS__
     * @brief Check if number of parameters is more than 1
     * @param ... Arguments to count
     * @return 0 If argument count is <= 1
     * @return 1 If argument count is > 1
     * @sa NUM_VA_ARGS
     * @sa NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1
     * @brief Check if given numeric value is bigger than 1
     * This macro accepts numeric value, that may be the result of argument expansion.
     * This numeric value is then converted to 0 if it is lover than 1 or to 1 if
     * its value is higher than 1.
     * The generated result can be used to glue it into other macro mnemonic name.
     * @param N Numeric value to check
     * @return 0 If argument is <= 1
     * @return 1 If argument is > 1
     * @note Any existing definition of a form NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_[N] can
     *       broke the result of this macro
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1(N) NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_(N)
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_0 ~, 0
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_1 ~, 0
     * @brief Get the first argument
     * @param ... Arguments to select
     * @return First argument or empty if no arguments are provided
    #define GET_VA_ARG_1(...) GET_VA_ARG_1_(__VA_ARGS__, ) // Make sure that also for 1 argument it works
    #define GET_VA_ARG_1_(a1, ...) a1
     * @brief Get all the arguments but the first one
     * @param ... Arguments to select
     * @return All arguments after the first one or empty if less than 2 arguments are provided
    #define GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(...) GET_ARGS_AFTER_1_(__VA_ARGS__, ) // Make sure that also for 1 argument it works
    #define GET_ARGS_AFTER_1_(a1, ...) __VA_ARGS__
     * @brief Size of a field in declared structure
     * Macro that returns the size of the structure field.
     * @param struct_type Variable type to get the field size from
     * @param field Field name to analyze. It can be even field inside field (field.somethingelse.and_another).
     * @return Size of the field
    #define FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field) sizeof(((struct struct_type*)NULL)->field)
     * @brief Number of elements in field array in declared structure
     * Macro that returns number of elementy in structure field.
     * @param struct_type Variable type to get the field size from
     * @param field Field name to analyze.
     * @return Number of elements in field array
     * @sa FIELD_SIZE
    #define FIELD_ARRAY_SIZE(struct_type, field) (FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field) / FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field[0]))
     * @brief Mapping macro
     * Macro that process all arguments using given macro
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP(...) MACRO_MAP_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_(...) MACRO_MAP_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__) // To make sure it works also for 2 arguments in total
     * @brief Mapping macro, recursive version
     *  Can be used in @ref MACRO_MAP macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC(...) MACRO_MAP_REC_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_(...) MACRO_MAP_REC_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__) // To make sure it works also for 2 arguments in total
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro
     * Macro similar to @ref MACRO_MAP but maps exact number of arguments.
     * If there is more arguments given, the rest would be ignored.
     * @param N   Number of arguments to map
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument)
     * @return Selected number of arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_N_(N, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_, N)(__VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro, recursive version
     *  Can be used in @ref MACRO_MAP_N macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_REC_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_N_(N, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_REC_, N)(__VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_0(           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_1( macro, a, ...) macro(a)
    #define MACRO_MAP_2( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_1 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_3( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_2 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_4( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_3 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_5( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_4 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_6( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_5 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_7( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_6 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_8( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_7 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_9( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_8 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_10(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_9 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_11(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_12(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_13(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_14(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_15(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_16(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_17(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_18(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_19(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_20(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_0(           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_1( macro, a, ...) macro(a)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_2( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_1 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_3( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_2 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_4( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_3 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_5( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_4 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_6( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_5 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_7( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_6 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_8( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_7 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_9( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_8 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_10(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_9 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_11(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_12(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_13(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_14(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_15(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_16(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_17(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_18(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_19(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_20(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping macro with current index
     * Basically macro similar to @ref MACRO_MAP, but the processing function would get an argument
     * and current argument index (beginning from 0).
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR(...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro with current index
     * Macro is similar to @ref MACRO_MAP_FOR but maps exact number of arguments.
     * If there is more arguments given, the rest would be ignored.
     * @param N   Number of arguments to map
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index)
     * @return Selected number of arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_0( n_list,           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_1( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)))
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_2( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_1 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_3( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_2 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_4( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_3 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_5( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_4 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_6( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_5 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_7( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_6 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_8( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_7 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_9( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_8 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_10(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_9 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_11(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_12(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_13(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_14(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_15(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_16(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_17(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_18(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_19(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_20(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping macro with current index and parameter
     * Version of @ref MACRO_MAP_FOR that passes also the same parameter to all macros.
     * @param param Parameter that would be passed to each macro call during mapping.
     * @param ...   Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *              Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index, param)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM(param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_(param, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_(param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), param, __VA_ARGS__)
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro with with current index and parameter
     * @param N     Number of arguments to map
     * @param param Parameter that would be passed to each macro call during mapping.
     * @param ...   Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *              Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index, param)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N(N, param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N_(N, param, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N_(N, param, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_, N)((MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST), param, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_0( n_list, param, ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_1( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_2( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_1 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_3( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_2 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_4( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_3 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_5( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_4 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_6( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_5 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_7( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_6 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_8( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_7 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_9( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_8 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_10(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_9 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_11(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_12(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_13(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_14(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_15(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_16(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_17(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_18(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_19(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_20(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Repeating macro.
     * @param count Count of repeats.
     * @param macro Macro must have the following form: MACRO(arguments).
     * @param ...   Arguments passed to the macro.
     * @return All arguments processed by the given macro.
    #define MACRO_REPEAT(count, macro, ...)     MACRO_REPEAT_(count, macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_(count, macro, ...)    CONCAT_2(MACRO_REPEAT_, count)(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_0(macro, ...)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_1(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_0(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_2(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_1(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_3(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_2(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_4(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_3(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_5(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_4(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_6(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_5(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_7(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_6(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_8(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_7(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_9(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_8(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_10(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_9(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_11(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_12(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_13(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_14(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_15(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_16(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_17(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_18(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_19(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_20(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
     * @brief Repeating macro with current index.
     * Macro similar to @ref MACRO_REPEAT but the processing function gets the arguments
     * and the current argument index (beginning from 0).
     * @param count Count of repeats.
     * @param macro Macro must have the following form: MACRO(index, arguments).
     * @param ...   Arguments passed to the macro.
     * @return All arguments processed by the given macro.
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR(count, macro, ...)     MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_(count, macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_(count, macro, ...)    CONCAT_2(MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_, count)((MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_0(n_list, macro, ...)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_1(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_0((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_2(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_1((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_3(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_2((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_4(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_3((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_5(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_4((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_6(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_5((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_7(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_6((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_8(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_7((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_9(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_8((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_10(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_9((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_11(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_12(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_13(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_14(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_15(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_16(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_17(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_18(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_19(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_20(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    /**@brief Adding curly brace to the macro parameter.
     * Useful in array of structures initialization.
     * @param p Parameter to put into the curly brace. */
    #define PARAM_CBRACE(p) { p },
    /**@brief Function for changing the value unit.
     * @param[in]   value               Value to be rescaled.
     * @param[in]   old_unit_reversal   Reversal of the incoming unit.
     * @param[in]   new_unit_reversal   Reversal of the desired unit.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint64_t value_rescale(uint32_t value, uint32_t old_unit_reversal, uint16_t new_unit_reversal)
        return (uint64_t)ROUNDED_DIV((uint64_t)value * new_unit_reversal, old_unit_reversal);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint16 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint16_encode(uint16_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);
        return sizeof(uint16_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a three-byte value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint24_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
        return 3;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint32 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint32_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
        p_encoded_data[3] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
        return sizeof(uint32_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint48 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint48_encode(uint64_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00000000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF0000) >> 16);
        p_encoded_data[3] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF000000) >> 24);
        p_encoded_data[4] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF00000000) >> 32);
        p_encoded_data[5] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
        return 6;
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint16 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint16_t uint16_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
            return ( (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0])) |
                     (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8 ));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint16 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint16_t uint16_big_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
            return ( (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 8 ) |
                     (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1])) );
    /**@brief Function for decoding a three-byte value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value (uint32_t).
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint24_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint32 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint32_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 24 ));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint32 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint32_big_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 24) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 16) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 0) );
     * @brief Function for encoding an uint16 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data will be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint16_big_encode(uint16_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) (value >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xFF);
        return sizeof(uint16_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint32 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data will be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint32_big_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        *(uint32_t *)p_encoded_data = __REV(value);
        return sizeof(uint32_t);
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint48 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value. (uint64_t)
    static __INLINE uint64_t uint48_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 24) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[4]) << 32) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[5]) << 40 ));
    /** @brief Function for converting the input voltage (in milli volts) into percentage of 3.0 Volts.
     *  @details The calculation is based on a linearized version of the battery's discharge
     *           curve. 3.0V returns 100% battery level. The limit for power failure is 2.1V and
     *           is considered to be the lower boundary.
     *           The discharge curve for CR2032 is non-linear. In this model it is split into
     *           4 linear sections:
     *           - Section 1: 3.0V - 2.9V = 100% - 42% (58% drop on 100 mV)
     *           - Section 2: 2.9V - 2.74V = 42% - 18% (24% drop on 160 mV)
     *           - Section 3: 2.74V - 2.44V = 18% - 6% (12% drop on 300 mV)
     *           - Section 4: 2.44V - 2.1V = 6% - 0% (6% drop on 340 mV)
     *           These numbers are by no means accurate. Temperature and
     *           load in the actual application is not accounted for!
     *  @param[in] mvolts The voltage in mV
     *  @return    Battery level in percent.
    static __INLINE uint8_t battery_level_in_percent(const uint16_t mvolts)
        uint8_t battery_level;
        if (mvolts >= 3000)
            battery_level = 100;
        else if (mvolts > 2900)
            battery_level = 100 - ((3000 - mvolts) * 58) / 100;
        else if (mvolts > 2740)
            battery_level = 42 - ((2900 - mvolts) * 24) / 160;
        else if (mvolts > 2440)
            battery_level = 18 - ((2740 - mvolts) * 12) / 300;
        else if (mvolts > 2100)
            battery_level = 6 - ((2440 - mvolts) * 6) / 340;
            battery_level = 0;
        return battery_level;
    /**@brief Function for checking if a pointer value is aligned to a 4 byte boundary.
     * @param[in]   p   Pointer value to be checked.
     * @return      TRUE if pointer is aligned to a 4 byte boundary, FALSE otherwise.
    static __INLINE bool is_word_aligned(void const* p)
        return (((uintptr_t)p & 0x03) == 0);
     * @brief Function for checking if provided address is located in stack space.
     * @param[in]   ptr Pointer to be checked.
     * @return      true if address is in stack space, false otherwise.
    static __INLINE bool is_address_from_stack(void * ptr)
        if (((uint32_t)ptr >= (uint32_t)STACK_BASE) &&
            ((uint32_t)ptr <  (uint32_t)STACK_TOP) )
            return true;
            return false;
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #endif // APP_UTIL_H__
    /** @} */

  • hi, endnode, I has changed the file "app_util.h" as your answer, but the maxnum of link count is only 16,if the number bigger than 16  will show this error, how can i fix it? 

    ..\..\..\main.c(94): error:  #29: expected an expression
      BLE_LBS_C_ARRAY_DEF(m_lbs_c, NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT);           /**< LED Button client instances. */
    ..\..\..\main.c(95): error:  #29: expected an expression
      BLE_DB_DISCOVERY_ARRAY_DEF(m_db_disc, NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT);  /**< Database discovery module instances. */
    ..\..\..\main.c: 0 warnings, 2 errors

    the sdk_config.h

    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of peripheral links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of central links. 
    // <o> NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of total concurrent connections using the default configuration. 


     * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
     * All rights reserved.
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
     * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
     * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
     *    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic
     *    Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for
     *    such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
     *    conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
     *    materials provided with the distribution.
     * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its
     *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
     *    software without specific prior written permission.
     * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a
     *    Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit.
     * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse
     *    engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled.
    /** @file
     * @defgroup app_util Utility Functions and Definitions
     * @{
     * @ingroup app_common
     * @brief Various types and definitions available to all applications.
    #ifndef APP_UTIL_H__
    #define APP_UTIL_H__
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include "compiler_abstraction.h"
    #include "nordic_common.h"
    #include "nrf.h"
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    //lint -save -e27 -e10 -e19
    #if defined ( __CC_ARM ) && !defined (__LINT__)
    extern char STACK$$Base;
    extern char STACK$$Length;
    #define STACK_BASE    &STACK$$Base
    #define STACK_TOP    ((void*)((uint32_t)STACK_BASE + (uint32_t)&STACK$$Length))
    #elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
    extern char CSTACK$$Base;
    extern char CSTACK$$Length;
    #define STACK_BASE    &CSTACK$$Base
    #define STACK_TOP    ((void*)((uint32_t)STACK_BASE + (uint32_t)&CSTACK$$Length))
    #elif defined   ( __GNUC__ )
    extern uint32_t __StackTop;
    extern uint32_t __StackLimit;
    #define STACK_BASE    &__StackLimit
    #define STACK_TOP     &__StackTop
    //lint -restore
        UNIT_0_625_MS = 625,        /**< Number of microseconds in 0.625 milliseconds. */
        UNIT_1_25_MS  = 1250,       /**< Number of microseconds in 1.25 milliseconds. */
        UNIT_10_MS    = 10000       /**< Number of microseconds in 10 milliseconds. */
    /*Segger embedded studio originally has offsetof macro which cannot be used in macros (like STATIC_ASSERT).
      This redefinition is to allow using that. */
    #if defined(__SES_ARM) && defined(__GNUC__)
    #undef offsetof
    #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER)
    /**@brief Implementation specific macro for delayed macro expansion used in string concatenation
    * @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
    * @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
    #define STRING_CONCATENATE_IMPL(lhs, rhs) lhs ## rhs
    /**@brief Macro used to concatenate string using delayed macro expansion
    * @note This macro will delay concatenation until the expressions have been resolved
    * @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
    * @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
    #ifndef __LINT__
    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      _Static_assert(EXPR, "unspecified message")
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    _Static_assert(EXPR, MSG)
    #ifdef __CC_ARM
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      extern char (*_do_assert(void)) [sizeof(char[1 - 2*!(EXPR)])]
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    extern char (*_do_assert(void)) [sizeof(char[1 - 2*!(EXPR)])]
    #ifdef __ICCARM__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      static_assert(EXPR, "unspecified message")
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    static_assert(EXPR, MSG)
    #else // __LINT__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR)      extern char (*_ignore(void))
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(EXPR, MSG)    extern char (*_ignore(void))
     * @brief   Static (i.e. compile time) assert macro.
     * @note The output of STATIC_ASSERT can be different across compilers.
     * Usage:
     * STATIC_ASSERT(expression);
     * STATIC_ASSERT(expression, message);
     * @hideinitializer
    //lint -save -esym(???, STATIC_ASSERT)
    #define STATIC_ASSERT(...)                                                                          \
        _SELECT_ASSERT_FUNC(x, ##__VA_ARGS__,                                                           \
                            STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(__VA_ARGS__),                                             \
    //lint -restore
    /**@brief Implementation details for NUM_VAR_ARGS */
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(                              \
        _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10,       \
        _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20,  \
        _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30,  \
        _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40,  \
        _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50,  \
        _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60,  \
        _61, _62, N, ...) N
    /**@brief Macro to get the number of arguments in a call variadic macro call
     * param[in]    ...     List of arguments
     * @retval  Number of variadic arguments in the argument list
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS(...) NUM_VA_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 63, 62, 61,  \
        60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51,                         \
        50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41,                         \
        40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31,                         \
        30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,                         \
        20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,                         \
        10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    /**@brief Implementation details for NUM_VAR_ARGS */
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1_IMPL(                       \
        _ignored,                                          \
        _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10,       \
        _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20,  \
        _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30,  \
        _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40,  \
        _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50,  \
        _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60,  \
        _61, _62, N, ...) N
    /**@brief Macro to get the number of arguments in a call variadic macro call.
     * First argument is not counted.
     * param[in]    ...     List of arguments
     * @retval  Number of variadic arguments in the argument list
    #define NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(...) NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 63, 62, 61,  \
        60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51,                         \
        50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41,                         \
        40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31,                         \
        30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,                         \
        20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,                         \
        10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, ~)
    /**@brief type for holding an encoded (i.e. little endian) 16 bit unsigned integer. */
    typedef uint8_t uint16_le_t[2];
    /**@brief Type for holding an encoded (i.e. little endian) 32 bit unsigned integer. */
    typedef uint8_t uint32_le_t[4];
    /**@brief Byte array type. */
    typedef struct
        uint16_t  size;                 /**< Number of array entries. */
        uint8_t * p_data;               /**< Pointer to array entries. */
    } uint8_array_t;
    /**@brief Macro for performing rounded integer division (as opposed to truncating the result).
     * @param[in]   A   Numerator.
     * @param[in]   B   Denominator.
     * @return      Rounded (integer) result of dividing A by B.
    #define ROUNDED_DIV(A, B) (((A) + ((B) / 2)) / (B))
    /**@brief Macro for checking if an integer is a power of two.
     * @param[in]   A   Number to be tested.
     * @return      true if value is power of two.
     * @return      false if value not power of two.
    #define IS_POWER_OF_TWO(A) ( ((A) != 0) && ((((A) - 1) & (A)) == 0) )
    /**@brief Macro for converting milliseconds to ticks.
     * @param[in] TIME          Number of milliseconds to convert.
     * @param[in] RESOLUTION    Unit to be converted to in [us/ticks].
    /**@brief Macro for performing integer division, making sure the result is rounded up.
     * @details One typical use for this is to compute the number of objects with size B is needed to
     *          hold A number of bytes.
     * @param[in]   A   Numerator.
     * @param[in]   B   Denominator.
     * @return      Integer result of dividing A by B, rounded up.
    #define CEIL_DIV(A, B)      \
        (((A) + (B) - 1) / (B))
    /**@brief Macro for creating a buffer aligned to 4 bytes.
     * @param[in]   NAME        Name of the buffor.
     * @param[in]   MIN_SIZE    Size of this buffor (it will be rounded up to multiples of 4 bytes).
    #define WORD_ALIGNED_MEM_BUFF(NAME, MIN_SIZE) static uint32_t NAME[CEIL_DIV(MIN_SIZE, sizeof(uint32_t))]
    /**@brief Macro for calculating the number of words that are needed to hold a number of bytes.
     * @details Adds 3 and divides by 4.
     * @param[in]  n_bytes  The number of bytes.
     * @return The number of words that @p n_bytes take up (rounded up).
    #define BYTES_TO_WORDS(n_bytes) (((n_bytes) + 3) >> 2)
    /**@brief The number of bytes in a word.
    #define BYTES_PER_WORD (4)
    /**@brief Macro for increasing a number to the nearest (larger) multiple of another number.
     * @param[in]  alignment  The number to align to.
     * @param[in]  number     The number to align (increase).
     * @return The aligned (increased) @p number.
    #define ALIGN_NUM(alignment, number) ((number - 1) + alignment - ((number - 1) % alignment))
    /**@brief Macro for getting first of 2 parameters.
     * @param[in] a1    First parameter.
     * @param[in] a2    Second parameter.
    #define GET_ARG_1(a1, a2) a1
    /**@brief Macro for getting second of 2 parameters.
     * @param[in] a1    First parameter.
     * @param[in] a2    Second parameter.
    #define GET_ARG_2(a1, a2) a2
    /**@brief Container of macro (borrowed from Linux kernel).
     * This macro returns parent structure address basing on child member address.
     * @param ptr       Address of child type.
     * @param type      Type of parent structure.
     * @param member    Name of child field in parent structure.
     * @return Parent structure address.
     * */
    #define CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member)                 \
            (type *)((char *)ptr - offsetof(type, member))
     * @brief Define Bit-field mask
     * Macro that defined the mask with selected number of bits set, starting from
     * provided bit number.
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
    #define BF_MASK(bcnt, boff) ( ((1U << (bcnt)) - 1U) << (boff) )
     * @brief Get bit-field
     * Macro that extracts selected bit-field from provided value
     * @param[in] val  Value from witch selected bit-field would be extracted
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
     * @return Value of the selected bits
    #define BF_GET(val, bcnt, boff) ( ( (val) & BF_MASK((bcnt), (boff)) ) >> (boff) )
     * @brief Create bit-field value
     * Value is masked and shifted to match given bit-field
     * @param[in] val  Value to set on bit-field
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits for bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Offset of bit-field
     * @return Value positioned of given bit-field.
    #define BF_VAL(val, bcnt, boff) ( (((uint32_t)(val)) << (boff)) & BF_MASK(bcnt, boff) )
     * @name Configuration of complex bit-field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @{
    /** @brief Position of bit count in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BCNT_POS  0U
    /** @brief Mask of bit count in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BCNT_MASK (0xffU << BF_CX_BCNT_POS)
    /** @brief Position of bit position in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BOFF_POS  8U
    /** @brief Mask of bit position in complex bit-field value */
    #define BF_CX_BOFF_MASK (0xffU << BF_CX_BOFF_POS)
    /** @} */
     * @brief Define complex bit-field
     * Complex bit-field would contain its position and size in one number.
     * @sa BF_CX_MASK
     * @sa BF_CX_POS
     * @sa BF_CX_GET
     * @param[in] bcnt Number of bits in the bit-field
     * @param[in] boff Lowest bit number
     * @return The single number that describes the bit-field completely.
    #define BF_CX(bcnt, boff) ( ((((uint32_t)(bcnt)) << BF_CX_BCNT_POS) & BF_CX_BCNT_MASK) | ((((uint32_t)(boff)) << BF_CX_BOFF_POS) & BF_CX_BOFF_MASK) )
     * @brief Get number of bits in bit-field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Number of bits in given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx) ( ((bf_cx) & BF_CX_BCNT_MASK) >> BF_CX_BCNT_POS )
     * @brief Get lowest bit number in the field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Lowest bit number in given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx) ( ((bf_cx) & BF_CX_BOFF_MASK) >> BF_CX_BOFF_POS )
     * @brief Get bit mask of the selected field
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Mask of given bit-field
    #define BF_CX_MASK(bf_cx) BF_MASK(BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Get bit-field
     * Macro that extracts selected bit-field from provided value.
     * Bit-field is given as a complex value.
     * @sa BF_CX
     * @sa BF_GET
     * @param[in] val   Value from witch selected bit-field would be extracted
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Value of the selected bits.
    #define BF_CX_GET(val, bf_cx) BF_GET(val, BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Create bit-field value
     * Value is masked and shifted to match given bit-field.
     * @param[in] val  Value to set on bit-field
     * @param[in] bf_cx Complex bit-field
     * @return Value positioned of given bit-field.
    #define BF_CX_VAL(val, bf_cx) BF_VAL(val, BF_CX_BCNT(bf_cx), BF_CX_BOFF(bf_cx))
     * @brief Extracting data from the brackets
     * This macro get rid of brackets around the argument.
     * It can be used to pass multiple arguments in logical one argument to a macro.
     * Call it with arguments inside brackets:
     * @code
     * #define ARGUMENTS (a, b, c)
     * @endcode
     * It would produce:
     * @code
     * a, b, c
     * @endcode
     * @param a Argument with anything inside brackets
     * @return Anything that appears inside the brackets of the argument
     * @note
     * The argument of the macro have to be inside brackets.
     * In other case the compilation would fail.
    #define BRACKET_EXTRACT__(...) __VA_ARGS__
     * @brief Check if number of parameters is more than 1
     * @param ... Arguments to count
     * @return 0 If argument count is <= 1
     * @return 1 If argument count is > 1
     * @sa NUM_VA_ARGS
     * @sa NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1
     * @brief Check if given numeric value is bigger than 1
     * This macro accepts numeric value, that may be the result of argument expansion.
     * This numeric value is then converted to 0 if it is lover than 1 or to 1 if
     * its value is higher than 1.
     * The generated result can be used to glue it into other macro mnemonic name.
     * @param N Numeric value to check
     * @return 0 If argument is <= 1
     * @return 1 If argument is > 1
     * @note Any existing definition of a form NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_[N] can
     *       broke the result of this macro
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1(N) NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_(N)
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_0 ~, 0
    #define NUM_IS_MORE_THAN_1_PROBE_1 ~, 0
     * @brief Get the first argument
     * @param ... Arguments to select
     * @return First argument or empty if no arguments are provided
    #define GET_VA_ARG_1(...) GET_VA_ARG_1_(__VA_ARGS__, ) // Make sure that also for 1 argument it works
    #define GET_VA_ARG_1_(a1, ...) a1
     * @brief Get all the arguments but the first one
     * @param ... Arguments to select
     * @return All arguments after the first one or empty if less than 2 arguments are provided
    #define GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(...) GET_ARGS_AFTER_1_(__VA_ARGS__, ) // Make sure that also for 1 argument it works
    #define GET_ARGS_AFTER_1_(a1, ...) __VA_ARGS__
     * @brief Size of a field in declared structure
     * Macro that returns the size of the structure field.
     * @param struct_type Variable type to get the field size from
     * @param field Field name to analyze. It can be even field inside field (field.somethingelse.and_another).
     * @return Size of the field
    #define FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field) sizeof(((struct struct_type*)NULL)->field)
     * @brief Number of elements in field array in declared structure
     * Macro that returns number of elementy in structure field.
     * @param struct_type Variable type to get the field size from
     * @param field Field name to analyze.
     * @return Number of elements in field array
     * @sa FIELD_SIZE
    #define FIELD_ARRAY_SIZE(struct_type, field) (FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field) / FIELD_SIZE(struct_type, field[0]))
     * @brief Mapping macro
     * Macro that process all arguments using given macro
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP(...) MACRO_MAP_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_(...) MACRO_MAP_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__) // To make sure it works also for 2 arguments in total
     * @brief Mapping macro, recursive version
     *  Can be used in @ref MACRO_MAP macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC(...) MACRO_MAP_REC_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_(...) MACRO_MAP_REC_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__) // To make sure it works also for 2 arguments in total
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro
     * Macro similar to @ref MACRO_MAP but maps exact number of arguments.
     * If there is more arguments given, the rest would be ignored.
     * @param N   Number of arguments to map
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument)
     * @return Selected number of arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_N_(N, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_, N)(__VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro, recursive version
     *  Can be used in @ref MACRO_MAP_N macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_REC_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_N_(N, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_REC_, N)(__VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_0(           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_1( macro, a, ...) macro(a)
    #define MACRO_MAP_2( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_1 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_3( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_2 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_4( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_3 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_5( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_4 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_6( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_5 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_7( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_6 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_8( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_7 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_9( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_8 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_10(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_9 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_11(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_12(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_13(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_14(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_15(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_16(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_17(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_18(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_19(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_20(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_0(           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_1( macro, a, ...) macro(a)
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_2( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_1 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_3( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_2 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_4( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_3 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_5( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_4 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_6( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_5 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_7( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_6 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_8( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_7 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_9( macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_8 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_10(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_9 (macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_11(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_12(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_13(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_14(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_15(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_16(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_17(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_18(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_19(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_REC_20(macro, a, ...) macro(a) MACRO_MAP_REC_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping macro with current index
     * Basically macro similar to @ref MACRO_MAP, but the processing function would get an argument
     * and current argument index (beginning from 0).
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR(...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro with current index
     * Macro is similar to @ref MACRO_MAP_FOR but maps exact number of arguments.
     * If there is more arguments given, the rest would be ignored.
     * @param N   Number of arguments to map
     * @param ... Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *            Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index)
     * @return Selected number of arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_N(N, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_(N, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_0( n_list,           ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_1( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)))
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_2( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_1 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_3( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_2 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_4( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_3 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_5( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_4 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_6( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_5 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_7( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_6 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_8( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_7 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_9( n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_8 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_10(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_9 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_11(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_12(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_13(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_14(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_15(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_16(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_17(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_18(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_19(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_20(n_list, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))) MACRO_MAP_FOR_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Mapping macro with current index and parameter
     * Version of @ref MACRO_MAP_FOR that passes also the same parameter to all macros.
     * @param param Parameter that would be passed to each macro call during mapping.
     * @param ...   Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *              Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index, param)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM(param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_(param, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_(param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), param, __VA_ARGS__)
     * @brief Mapping N arguments macro with with current index and parameter
     * @param N     Number of arguments to map
     * @param param Parameter that would be passed to each macro call during mapping.
     * @param ...   Macro name to be used for argument processing followed by arguments to process.
     *              Macro should have following form: MACRO(argument, index, param)
     * @return All arguments processed by given macro
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N(N, param, ...) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N_(N, param, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_N_(N, param, ...) CONCAT_2(MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_, N)((MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST), param, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_0( n_list, param, ...)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_1( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param)
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_2( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_1 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_3( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_2 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_4( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_3 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_5( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_4 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_6( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_5 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_7( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_6 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_8( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_7 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_9( n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_8 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_10(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_9 ((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_11(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_12(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_13(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_14(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_15(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_16(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_17(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_18(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_19(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
    #define MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_20(n_list, param, macro, a, ...) macro(a, GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), param) MACRO_MAP_FOR_PARAM_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), param, macro, __VA_ARGS__, )
     * @brief Repeating macro.
     * @param count Count of repeats.
     * @param macro Macro must have the following form: MACRO(arguments).
     * @param ...   Arguments passed to the macro.
     * @return All arguments processed by the given macro.
    #define MACRO_REPEAT(count, macro, ...)     MACRO_REPEAT_(count, macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_(count, macro, ...)    CONCAT_2(MACRO_REPEAT_, count)(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_0(macro, ...)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_1(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_0(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_2(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_1(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_3(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_2(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_4(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_3(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_5(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_4(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_6(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_5(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_7(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_6(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_8(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_7(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_9(macro, ...)  macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_8(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_10(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_9(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_11(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_10(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_12(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_11(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_13(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_12(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_14(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_13(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_15(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_14(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_16(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_15(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_17(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_16(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_18(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_17(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_19(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_18(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_20(macro, ...) macro(__VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_19(macro, __VA_ARGS__)
     * @brief Repeating macro with current index.
     * Macro similar to @ref MACRO_REPEAT but the processing function gets the arguments
     * and the current argument index (beginning from 0).
     * @param count Count of repeats.
     * @param macro Macro must have the following form: MACRO(index, arguments).
     * @param ...   Arguments passed to the macro.
     * @return All arguments processed by the given macro.
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR(count, macro, ...)     MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_(count, macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_(count, macro, ...)    CONCAT_2(MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_, count)((MACRO_MAP_FOR_N_LIST), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_0(n_list, macro, ...)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_1(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_0((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_2(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_1((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_3(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_2((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_4(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_3((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_5(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_4((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_6(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_5((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_7(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_6((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_8(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_7((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_9(n_list, macro, ...)  macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_8((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_10(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_9((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_11(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_10((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_12(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_11((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_13(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_12((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_14(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_13((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_15(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_14((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_16(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_15((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_17(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_16((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_18(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_17((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_19(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_18((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_20(n_list, macro, ...) macro(GET_VA_ARG_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list)), __VA_ARGS__) MACRO_REPEAT_FOR_19((GET_ARGS_AFTER_1(BRACKET_EXTRACT(n_list))), macro, __VA_ARGS__)
    /**@brief Adding curly brace to the macro parameter.
     * Useful in array of structures initialization.
     * @param p Parameter to put into the curly brace. */
    #define PARAM_CBRACE(p) { p },
    /**@brief Function for changing the value unit.
     * @param[in]   value               Value to be rescaled.
     * @param[in]   old_unit_reversal   Reversal of the incoming unit.
     * @param[in]   new_unit_reversal   Reversal of the desired unit.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint64_t value_rescale(uint32_t value, uint32_t old_unit_reversal, uint16_t new_unit_reversal)
        return (uint64_t)ROUNDED_DIV((uint64_t)value * new_unit_reversal, old_unit_reversal);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint16 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint16_encode(uint16_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8);
        return sizeof(uint16_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a three-byte value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint24_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
        return 3;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint32 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint32_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
        p_encoded_data[3] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
        return sizeof(uint32_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint48 value.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is to be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint48_encode(uint64_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000000000FF) >> 0);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00000000FF00) >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[2] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x000000FF0000) >> 16);
        p_encoded_data[3] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x0000FF000000) >> 24);
        p_encoded_data[4] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0x00FF00000000) >> 32);
        p_encoded_data[5] = (uint8_t) ((value & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40);
        return 6;
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint16 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint16_t uint16_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
            return ( (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0])) |
                     (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8 ));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint16 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint16_t uint16_big_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
            return ( (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 8 ) |
                     (((uint16_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1])) );
    /**@brief Function for decoding a three-byte value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value (uint32_t).
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint24_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint32 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint32_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 24 ));
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint32 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value.
    static __INLINE uint32_t uint32_big_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 24) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 16) |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 0) );
     * @brief Function for encoding an uint16 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data will be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint16_big_encode(uint16_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        p_encoded_data[0] = (uint8_t) (value >> 8);
        p_encoded_data[1] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xFF);
        return sizeof(uint16_t);
    /**@brief Function for encoding a uint32 value in big-endian format.
     * @param[in]   value            Value to be encoded.
     * @param[out]  p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data will be written.
     * @return      Number of bytes written.
    static __INLINE uint8_t uint32_big_encode(uint32_t value, uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        *(uint32_t *)p_encoded_data = __REV(value);
        return sizeof(uint32_t);
    /**@brief Function for decoding a uint48 value.
     * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded data is stored.
     * @return      Decoded value. (uint64_t)
    static __INLINE uint64_t uint48_decode(const uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
        return ( (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[0]) << 0)  |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[1]) << 8)  |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[2]) << 16) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[3]) << 24) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[4]) << 32) |
                 (((uint64_t)((uint8_t *)p_encoded_data)[5]) << 40 ));
    /** @brief Function for converting the input voltage (in milli volts) into percentage of 3.0 Volts.
     *  @details The calculation is based on a linearized version of the battery's discharge
     *           curve. 3.0V returns 100% battery level. The limit for power failure is 2.1V and
     *           is considered to be the lower boundary.
     *           The discharge curve for CR2032 is non-linear. In this model it is split into
     *           4 linear sections:
     *           - Section 1: 3.0V - 2.9V = 100% - 42% (58% drop on 100 mV)
     *           - Section 2: 2.9V - 2.74V = 42% - 18% (24% drop on 160 mV)
     *           - Section 3: 2.74V - 2.44V = 18% - 6% (12% drop on 300 mV)
     *           - Section 4: 2.44V - 2.1V = 6% - 0% (6% drop on 340 mV)
     *           These numbers are by no means accurate. Temperature and
     *           load in the actual application is not accounted for!
     *  @param[in] mvolts The voltage in mV
     *  @return    Battery level in percent.
    static __INLINE uint8_t battery_level_in_percent(const uint16_t mvolts)
        uint8_t battery_level;
        if (mvolts >= 3000)
            battery_level = 100;
        else if (mvolts > 2900)
            battery_level = 100 - ((3000 - mvolts) * 58) / 100;
        else if (mvolts > 2740)
            battery_level = 42 - ((2900 - mvolts) * 24) / 160;
        else if (mvolts > 2440)
            battery_level = 18 - ((2740 - mvolts) * 12) / 300;
        else if (mvolts > 2100)
            battery_level = 6 - ((2440 - mvolts) * 6) / 340;
            battery_level = 0;
        return battery_level;
    /**@brief Function for checking if a pointer value is aligned to a 4 byte boundary.
     * @param[in]   p   Pointer value to be checked.
     * @return      TRUE if pointer is aligned to a 4 byte boundary, FALSE otherwise.
    static __INLINE bool is_word_aligned(void const* p)
        return (((uintptr_t)p & 0x03) == 0);
     * @brief Function for checking if provided address is located in stack space.
     * @param[in]   ptr Pointer to be checked.
     * @return      true if address is in stack space, false otherwise.
    static __INLINE bool is_address_from_stack(void * ptr)
        if (((uint32_t)ptr >= (uint32_t)STACK_BASE) &&
            ((uint32_t)ptr <  (uint32_t)STACK_TOP) )
            return true;
            return false;
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #endif // APP_UTIL_H__
    /** @} */

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