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Fatal error: 0 (src\ll_lm.s0.c:378)

Hey guys,

We're seeing a problem with weird reboots after our system goes through a firmware update using the DFU. We are using the latest GCC for these builds (4.8 2014q1), and we get these fatal errors that cause a system reset. What's stranger still is the system seems to typically recover upon the fourth reboot attempt. The only consistent symptom we can find is that the app error handler gets called with error code 0, filename "src\ll_lm.s0.c", and line number 378.

What is "ll_lm.s0.c"? What would it be faulting on?

We are using SDK version 5.2.0.


  • The "src\ll_lm.s0.c" is a file in the Soft Device Stack, so someone from Nordic who can see the source code would have to tell you the nature of the fault.

    However, I've had assertions in my code that triggered a secondary assertion from the stack with a very similar fingerprint. I'd set a break point in your assertion handler to see if catch the first assertion assuming that the one you are seeing is a secondary assertion.
