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ble_uart demo throughput is very slow

Hello Nordic,

I am using the BL600 third-party module and SDK 10. I was able to modify and compile project with GCC at examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\ for s110. It works nice, but the transfer speed is very low (around 500 Bytes/s). When I send a big chunk of data via UART, the module sometimes just hangs up. Definitely this example is not suitable for production. I have read all topics with descriptions about increasing the speed, but w/o success. Maybe Nordic can provide some good example for handling big amounts of data via BLE UART? Maybe with results of transfer speed for some evaluation board...

  • Ok. Then you have the smallest possible connection interval, 7.5ms. It seems you are correctly calling ble_nus_string_send() until you get BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_BUFFERS. You should start calling ble_nus_string_send() again when get the BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE event. When you get this event you should also check p_ble_evt->evt.common_evt.params.tx_complete.count; This will tell you how many packets that were transmitted in the last connection interval.

  • Ok. Then you have the smallest possible connection interval, 7.5ms. It seems you are correctly calling ble_nus_string_send() until you get BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_BUFFERS. You should start calling ble_nus_string_send() again when get the BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE event. When you get this event you should also check p_ble_evt->evt.common_evt.params.tx_complete.count; This will tell you how many packets that were transmitted in the last connection interval.

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