I'm using the "ble_app_multilink_central" example on my nRF52, what is the setting to advertise from my Android phone (using the nRF connect app) ?
Thank you
I'm using the "ble_app_multilink_central" example on my nRF52, what is the setting to advertise from my Android phone (using the nRF connect app) ?
Thank you
Do you want the phone to act as a Blinky peripheral? The Multi-link central will connect to any devices advertising the name "Nordic_Blinky". You will have to change the device name in your Android settings and add Complete Local Name to the advertising data, to make the central connect. You should also add the 128-bit UUID of the Nordic LED Button Service to the scan response data (note that the UUID is stored in the app and you can search for the name instead of entering the value).
You should also setup the GATT server with the correct service and characteristics to be able to control the device. The service is documented on this page.
Best regards,