Background: In a previous posting I had asked if anyone knew of BLE connection parameter guidelines for Windows 10. The general response was, yeah ios has BLE connection parameter guidelines, but it doesn't appear that Windows 10 (or Android for that matter) has any such guidelines.
I have a Nordic nRF52 development board we are developing a peripheral BLE application on. When I use a Win 10 laptop (Dell Precision 7520) as a BLE central to the Nordic peripheral, connection is just fine. However, when the peripheral attempts to change the connection parameters >20ms, or change slave latency >1, it usually doesn't 'take'. Meaning not accepted by the central (win 10) BLE stack. I confirm the accept/reject of these via Teledyne'LeCroy Sodera LE sniffer.
Note: when using an Android phone as a BLE central, generally speaking its BLE stack accepts the connection parameters that the win 10 BLE stack rejects.
Question: Does anyone have any insight into win 10 BLE stacks? Are then from Microsoft? specific to device manufacture (in this case Dell), specific to chipset?
note, I have asked similar questions on MSDN forums and I've started working with Dell... though I DO have their most recent Bluetooth driver (for my laptop).
However, of anyone, my guess is that Nordic developers may have the best insight into this.