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segger linking error


I've just started using Segger Embedded Studio v3.30 for my development and I've been having trouble setting it up. I followed the instructions in this blog but I'm still having some trouble and getting some errors after the linker file has been generated.

My issue is similar to this post and I followed the instructions provided in the answer and I've allowed the linker multiple definitions but the error still persists.

My build log is shown below:

Linking ble_app_multilink_central_pca10040_s132.elf
Output/ble_app_multilink_central_pca10040_s132 nrf52832_xxaa/Obj/nrf_pwr_mgmt.o:(.rodata.pwr_mgmt_data+0x0): undefined reference to `__start_pwr_mgmt_data'
Output/ble_app_multilink_central_pca10040_s132 nrf52832_xxaa/Obj/nrf_pwr_mgmt.o:(.rodata.pwr_mgmt_data+0x4): undefined reference to `__stop_pwr_mgmt_data'
Output/ble_app_multilink_central_pca10040_s132 nrf52832_xxaa/Obj/nrf_sdh_ble.o: In function `nrf_sdh_ble_app_ram_start_get':
undefined reference to `__app_ram_start__'

The project I am running is not the ble_multilink example. It is a custom project that was initially based off the multilink example but has been changed substantially.

I am using an nrf52832 PCA10040 s132 dev kit with SDK 14.1, SES v3.30. If any more information is required about the project please let me know.

This is the modified version of the flash_placement.xml file.

  • Hi Coz!

    It's not necessary to follow that blog-post to use SEGGER Embedded Studio with SDK v14.1. There is already added ready-to-use SEGGER Embedded Studio projects in the SDK.
    For the ble_app_multilink_central example, go to the folder:

    and open the SES project.

    You can watch this video tutorial series on youtube, on how to use the SDK with SES.

    Let me know if you face any problems!
    Best regards,

  • Hi Joakim, I figured out that i was missing some of the "ProgramSection" lines in the flash_placement.xml file that defines the ram_start and so I copied them in from the .xml file that was in the multilink example directory. When I try to compile the program now I get another error: "cannot load section placement file". I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong.

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