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nRF51288 custom board cannot be discovered

Hello, everybody. We have a custom board with nRF51288. We also have code based on ble_template that is working on Nordic devboard and dongle. Code is also working on our custom board (verified through debugging and led-based visual verification :)) but device cannot be discovered (devboard and dongle CAN be discovered).

What we think the problem could be one of these:

  1. Crystal is giving inaccurate frequency
  2. Matching circuit is wrong

Crystal is giving inaccurate frequency

Is it possible to somehow check the frequency in firmware?

We used app_timer module to periodically blink the LED and measure the time of ON/OFF states. Can this method be used or it's completely wrong to assume something like this?

Matching circuit is wrong

This is our matching circuit. It should be same as in Product Specification.


image description


There is list of components we used:

L1 - link

L2 - link

L4 - link

C15 - link

C2 - link

C16 - link

C17 - link

ANT - link

So, what do you think is the problem? Could it be something different then wrong crystal freq or matching circuit?

We are quite desperate right now, so any suggestions would help. Thank you!!

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