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Re-connecting iOS(ANCS) takes about 20 sec.

Hi. I have been trying get a notification through ANCS. I have created an app which is made by modifying ble_app_ancs sample. It works basically but there is one problem.

When I turn on/off bluetooth or reboot iOS device, it will automatically re-connect to nRF device. Then nRF device can connect to iOS device but can't receive a notification "immediately". It takes about 20 sec to be able to receive a notification from iOS device.

It seems that connection is established successfully because nRF device find ANCS service immediately, there is no disconnect event, and sd_ble_gap_authenticate doesn't return any error.

Do you have any idea why it takes so much time? Is this just a problem of iOS?

My development environment: ・nRF51822 Developer Kit ・iOS 7.1 iPhone5s ・nRF6310 Rev 1.4 ・S110-SD-v6

Regards Masa
