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nrf51822 not working in non-Debug mode

I have nrf51822 controlling 2 I2C devices:

  1. OLED display - SSD1306
  2. Capacitive touch sensor - CAP1203

When in debug mode I get images on display, however when i disconnect debugger I dont get any output on the screen. Why would it work differently in a non-debug mode?

Second problem is that CAP1203 generates interrupt by pulling IRQ line low and then I need to issue I2C command to clear the register so that the IRQ line would be released. In debug step-by-step mode if I do it step by step I get GPIO interrupt, process it send I2C command and it works. In debug mode but without step-by-step the first time I receive interrupt correctly and then IRQ line doesnt get released. Any idea what could be wrong?


  • Dear Sergy, Can you please send me the CAP1203 I2C driver? I am trying to use nrf_drv_twi_tx (with no stop condition) and nrf_drv_twi_rx

    BUT the problem is that CAP1203 does not respond back to the address sent by nRF52832. I have seen on oscilloscope that nRF52832 is sending the address and start condition but no response from CAP1203. Here is where my code stucks:

    err_code = nrf_drv_twi_tx(&m_twi_mag3110, dev_addr, &reg_addr, 1, true);  	//Write the address with no stop condition

    Your help in this regard will really be appreciated.

  • Dear Sergy, Can you please send me the CAP1203 I2C driver? I am trying to use nrf_drv_twi_tx (with no stop condition) and nrf_drv_twi_rx

    BUT the problem is that CAP1203 does not respond back to the address sent by nRF52832. I have seen on oscilloscope that nRF52832 is sending the address and start condition but no response from CAP1203. Here is where my code stucks:

    err_code = nrf_drv_twi_tx(&m_twi_mag3110, dev_addr, &reg_addr, 1, true);  	//Write the address with no stop condition

    Your help in this regard will really be appreciated.

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