I'm attempting to write a plugin/dll to pull data from the Nordic Thingy52. I can scan all devices that are paired with windows 10, and load up the services, etc.
I can also read from descriptors that have explicit Read permissions. However, when I attempt to set a characteristic (such as motion data) to notify, or write to a service configuration characteristic, It instantly disconnects.
I loaded up the Thingy Firmware as a debug build from the github repo, and logged the data thingy_log.txt
It appears to reboot 20+ times. Int he Jlink RTT Viewer I would sometimes see drv_ext_gpio.c line 466 error (in Keil it's a blank line) (correction: line 446)
err_code = drv_sx1509_data_modify((1UL << pin_number), 0);
Is there a sequence to connecting to the Thingy that's done in android/iOS apps that I'm missing here?
Edit: I am Currently connecting by getting the Config service, then getting motion, sound, and UI services (I don't need the rest) from the DeviceInfo on windows.
I am then attempting to write characteristic values for motion config, etc. But nothing stays connected. Do I need to be doing some sort of MTU request?