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How do I add 2nd base UUID for Service and Characteristic?

Hello, i try to get a service with base_uuid1 and to this service a characteristic with the base_uuid2. I am trying to implement BLE MIDI, the BLE_MIDI Specs:

  1. BLE Service and Characteristics Definitions The following service and characteristic are defined:
  • MIDI Service (UUID: 03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700)
  • MIDI Data I/O Characteristic (UUID: 7772E5DB-3868-4112-A1A9-F2669D106BF3)

I did the tutorials and created my service ID like the MIDI SERVICE UUID from the specs. The Characteristic tutorial just let me add a custom 16bit UUID but i need to change the complete base_uuid. But when i am changing the base_uuid in the our_service.c the nrf52 DK is not advertising anymore and all four leds light up.

This is from the our_service.h

// FROM_SERVICE_TUTORIAL: Defining 16-bit service and 128-bit base UUIDs
#define BLE_UUID_OUR_BASE_UUID              {{0x00, 0xC7, 0xC4, 0x4E, 0xE3, 0x6C, 0x51, 0xA7, 0x33, 0x4B, 0xE8, 0xED, 0x5A, 0x0E, 0xB8, 0x03}} // 128-bit base UUID
#define BLE_UUID_OUR_SERVICE_UUID                0x0E5A // Just a random, but recognizable value

// ALREADY_DONE_FOR_YOU: Defining 16-bit characteristic UUID
#define BLE_UUID_OUR_BASE_CHAR_UUID              {{0xF3, 0x6B, 0x10, 0x9D, 0x66, 0xF2, 0xA9, 0xA1, 0x12, 0x41, 0x68, 0x38, 0xDB, 0xE5, 0x72, 0x77}} // 128-bit base UUID

from the our_service.h

static uint32_t our_char_add(ble_os_t * p_our_service)
    uint32_t   err_code = 0; // Variable to hold return codes from library and softdevice functions
    // OUR_JOB: Step 2.A, Add a custom characteristic UUID
    ble_uuid_t          char_uuid;
    ble_uuid128_t       base_uuid = BLE_UUID_OUR_BASE_CHAR_UUID;
    char_uuid.uuid      = BLE_UUID_OUR_CHARACTERISTC_UUID;

	sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&base_uuid, &char_uuid.type);


err_code = sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_our_service->service_handle,


And i Didint do anything to the our_service_init().

I hope someone can help my i am a little confused and new working with the nrf. Thank you. I probably forgot the most things so please ask.

  • All good found my problem.

    To use two or more vendor specific UUIDs you will need to define how many such UUIDs you need. In the typical SDK example (and in the tutorial code) you do this in the function ble_stack_init() found in main.c. Add the line

    ble_enable_params.common_enable_params.vs_uuid_count = 2;

    and you should be able to use two vs UUIDs.

  • I'm been awarded the Necromancer badge by this site for replying to a post after 3 months.... but this is close... so here goes.

    This is just what I need, though I can't quite put it together.

    I have seen and set the value in sdk_config.h as follows,

    I would (naively) expect this would have the same effect as the code you mention, @niklasjacob_2611.

    I've also tried playing with this at the top of main.c in many example files:

    I'd welcome a reference to an example app that uses two 128-bit UUIDs.

    Apples ( documented) MIDI over BLE spec appears to require advertising both 128 bit UUIDs for an app like GarageBand to recognize the peripheral.


  • SDK 14.2


    Segger Embedded Studio on OSX


  • Hi David, I do have a working example build on the BLE Characteristic Tutorial using SDK11. I can share it with you. Would you mind sharing your code with me as well?

  • Thanks, Niklas!

    How can I best get that code to try?

    If it helps, I can send my gmail email address to you. (Sent in a private message)

  • and : Attached is the example. Extract it to nRF5_SDK_14.2.0_17b948a\examples\ble_peripheral\.


  • Thanks!

    This gives me plenty to consider.

    A question specifically about advertising 128-bit UUIDs:
    In order to get the solution to be recognized by a MIDI Central (GarageBand), I needed to
    • Change the UUIDs for the service and characteristic to those specified by the MIDI/BLE spec; and
    • I also changed the 16-bit UUIDs that are used to overwrite 2 of the bytes in the 128-bit UUID.  I changed them to be the same as the required bytes in the MIDI or BLE spec.

    With these changes, Apple's GarageBand recognizes the device as a BLE/MIDI device, and can attempt two connect (although not successfully)

    @bjorn-speckei, Is my approach (using specific 16-bit values to preserve the 128-bit value) the right one in this case?

    I have other questions that are likely best in new threads.



  • Thanks!

    This gives me plenty to consider.

    A question specifically about advertising 128-bit UUIDs:
    In order to get the solution to be recognized by a MIDI Central (GarageBand), I needed to
    • Change the UUIDs for the service and characteristic to those specified by the MIDI/BLE spec; and
    • I also changed the 16-bit UUIDs that are used to overwrite 2 of the bytes in the 128-bit UUID.  I changed them to be the same as the required bytes in the MIDI or BLE spec.

    With these changes, Apple's GarageBand recognizes the device as a BLE/MIDI device, and can attempt two connect (although not successfully)

    @bjorn-speckei, Is my approach (using specific 16-bit values to preserve the 128-bit value) the right one in this case?

    I have other questions that are likely best in new threads.



  • @David Elvig: Yes, setting the 128-bit UUID bases to match the UUIDs from the BLE-MIDI spec and then set the 16-bit UUIDs equal to the 12-13th octets  of said bases is the way to go.

    MIDI Service (UUID: 03B80E5A-EDE8-4B33-A751-6CE34EC4C700)
    MIDI Data I/O Characteristic (UUID: 7772E5DB-3868-4112-A1A9-F2669D106BF3)
  • A quick question about the sample code:

    If I want want one service - that's the call to sd_ble_gatts_service_add()

    in ble_cus.c. 

    In the same ble_cus_init(), there are two calls to leading to 



    I'm using the latter on for my MIDI Characteristic with 128-bit UUID

    What's the purpose of the former?

  • : This is based on an example I have been using for various courses as an introduction to BLE. The original example added one service with two characteristics, the custom value characteristic and a servo control characteristic, hence the two separate function calls  custom_value_char_add(...) and servo_ctrl_char_add(...), which in turn calls sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(). If you only need one characteristic, then you can omit the first function, custom_value_char_add(...).