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How to test ble_app_uart

Test the UART Application with the nRF UART app, which is available for iOS (App Store) and Android (Google Play).

You can also test the application with nRF Connect by performing the following steps:

Connect the board to the computer using a USB cable. The board is assigned a COM port, which is visible in the Device Manager. Start a terminal emulator like PuTTY and connect to the used COM port with the following UART settings: Baud rate: 115.200 8 data bits 1 stop bit No parity HW flow control: None Compile and program the application. Observe that the BSP_INDICATE_ADVERTISING state is indicated, and that the device is advertising with the device name "Nordic_UART". Observe that the text "UART Start!" is printed on the COM listener running on the computer. Connect to the device from nRF Connect. Observe that the BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED state is indicated. Observe that the services are shown in the connected device. Select the UART RX characteristic value in nRF Connect. You can write hexadecimal ASCII values to the UART RX and get the text displayed on the COM listener. Write '30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39' (the hexadecimal value for the string "0123456789") and click 'write'. Verify that the text "0123456789" is displayed on the COM listener. For sending data from the device to nRF Connect, enter any text, for example, "Hello", on the COM listener. Observe that a notification with the corresponding ASCII values is sent to the peer on handle 0x12. For the string "Hello", the notification is '48 65 6C 6C 6F'. Disconnect the device in nRF Connect. Observe that the BSP_INDICATE_ADVERTISING state is indicated. If no peer connects to the application within 180 seconds (APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS), the application will put the chip into system-off mode.

I see noting on my Putty Screen, and I cannot find a place where can write ASCII values image description image description

  • If you tap on "Nordic UART Service" in "CLIENT" tab you should see underlying objects such as Characteristic and CCCD. There should be also little arrows next to these and by clicking on them you can do things such as Read/Write and enable/disable Notifications.

  • That's not true. Now you have dialogue to fill your value and if you have your system running correctly then value should be written over BLE UART correctly. If you didn't pass first step in the tutorial (UART console on your PC's COM port should write some text right after nRFx board boots) then go back nad fix UART first.

  • Does this dialog "Write value" advanced request command " right the place to send characters ?

  • Yes, this is the place where you fill payload of WRITE REQ command which should be sent by your mobile to connected BLE device over Nordic UART Characteristic's value handle. If you have BLE sniffer you can observe what is happening on all BLE stack layers in the radio (if you are just shooting blindly into the dark).

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