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DFU-OTA with S110 v7a3 and nRFToolBox on iPhone 5S

Hi Guys,

since yesterday i am trying to get the DFU with Softdevice S110 (BLE) v7-alpha3 working but haven't succeeded yet. My process is the following:

  1. s110_nrf51822_7.0.0-3.alpha_softdevice from nordic website downloaded
  2. softdevice programmed to nRF51822 (256kB/PCA10005) with nRF Studio v1.17.0.3211
  3. dfu example provided with the new soft device compiled using KEIL (SDK 5.2 installed on my computer, changed not a single line of code in the example)
  4. flashed dfu boot loader using KEIL (down)load button

The nRF side should be ready/fine now, right?

  1. launching nRF ToolBox app/DFU part on my iPhone 5S
  2. i can see and choose the Dfutag device
  3. last but not least i chose ble_app_hrs.hex and press UPLOAD

Some times it displays the progerssbar (empty) and shows "init" beneath it and sometimes just the progress bar but i always get an error after roundabout 30seconds.

I also tried to debug it with breakpoints in the app_error_handler but never get here. My questions are know:

  • is my process correct the way described above?
  • is there any getting-started guide or so?
  • any suggestions what i could try else?
  • Do i have to change something in the source code?

Kind regards Marius
