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S120 bootloader by UART (not over by air)

Hi All,

I am working on the S120 bootloader. I start it with dfu sample on nrf6310 folder. It work with S110 softdevice with PCA10001 perfectly. I had made following change on the code for try to work with S120

  1. change the start address from 0x14000 to 0x18000 of "CODE_REGION_1_START" and "PSTORAGE_RAW_START_ADDR"
  2. remove include folder "../include/s110" and added "../include/s120"

It always go to a HardFault_Handler after run the softdevice.c line237 function:softdevice_handler_init "m_softdevice_enabled = true;"

is there something I missed?

Regards Peter

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