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nrf8001 writedynamicdata error

hi all i try to write in volatile memory but after the second (the first is ok) writing the nrf8001 response me with 0x84 0x08 0x81 -> Internal Error i don't know why please help

update: i see that if i have data for 27 byte (data + seq. number) i create a message with lenght + op code + (seq + number) the lenght in this case is 28 but i send 28 the nrf8001 dosen't respond if i send 27 the nrf8001 reponse ok with the first message but then only 81 error code

  • Hi Stefano,

    I am running into the same issue as you. After my first call to writeDynamicData() I get a command response event with the correct opcode and transaction continue status. However, when I attempt to write the second data sequence, I get a command response event with ACI_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL 0x81.

    I am also using version D of the nrf8001.

    Did you ever find a solution to this?


  • Hi Stefano,

    I am running into the same issue as you. After my first call to writeDynamicData() I get a command response event with the correct opcode and transaction continue status. However, when I attempt to write the second data sequence, I get a command response event with ACI_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL 0x81.

    I am also using version D of the nrf8001.

    Did you ever find a solution to this?

