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No CRC check during FW upgrade with Master Control Panel

I debugging some function abnormal after OTA problem, and problem with disappear after redo OTA FW upgrade, duirng it I found a problem about Master Control Panel FW upgrade function, it doesn't did CRC check for FW image.

I build a test DFU with below change, it will always reprot "BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_CRC_ERROR" and should never success when did OTA for CRC is fail all time.

The test code added as below red line.

static void on_dfu_evt(ble_dfu_t * p_dfu, ble_dfu_evt_t * p_evt) { uint32_t err_code;

switch (p_evt->ble_dfu_evt_type)
        err_code = dfu_image_validate();

        // Translate the err_code returned by the above function to DFU Response Value.
        ble_dfu_resp_val_t resp_val;

        resp_val = nrf_error_to_dfu_resp_val(err_code, BLE_DFU_VALIDATE_PROCEDURE);

        // [ Add by Daniel to force report CRC check fail.
        resp_val = BLE_DFU_RESP_VAL_CRC_ERROR;
        // ]

        err_code = ble_dfu_response_send(p_dfu, BLE_DFU_VALIDATE_PROCEDURE, resp_val);


But, do FW upgrade with Master control panel, it passed. so the Master control panel isn't did the CRC check during OTA.

It is a serious problem for me, because our production line is using Master control panel to do OTA FW upgrade.

My DFU code is based on …\s110_nrf51822_7.0.0-3.alpha_STD\Examples\DFU The Master Control panel version is: v3.5.1.8299, can be find at the same folder of DFU example code above.

My factory was using the Master Control Panel to did OTA FW upgrade, so it became serious issue for me, and I guess the problem I am debugging is related with it. I hope I can get the fix very soon. Could I can get in follow two days?

I attached a detail report here:C:\fakepath\OTA FeedBack 20140625.docx
