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MCP: No Command complete error received


I've the nRF51 DK which works fine because I managed to upload BLE Softdevice and application with nRFgo Studio. But I cannot get the MCP (Master Control Panel) working.

I've tried all the solutions found in the forum but nothing solves the problem (P.30 to GND...)

  • Windows 10
  • MCP
  • Softdevice:S130
  • Test with basic example: nRF5_SDK_12.3.0_d7731ad\examples\ble_peripheralble_app_hids_keyboard\hex

Do you have any ideas about it?


image description

  • Have you flash the nRF51 DK with the firmware needed for Master Control Panel ? (click File -> Flash Programming)

    Have you tested and make sure UART works fine with the DK ? You can test with the uart peripheral example in the SDK.

    Please be aware that Master Control Panel is deprecated and replaced with nRFConnect for PC application, it's advised to use the new application.

  • Have you flash the nRF51 DK with the firmware needed for Master Control Panel ? (click File -> Flash Programming)

    Have you tested and make sure UART works fine with the DK ? You can test with the uart peripheral example in the SDK.

    Please be aware that Master Control Panel is deprecated and replaced with nRFConnect for PC application, it's advised to use the new application.

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