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I am trying to use the nRF Connect v1.0 RC with the pca10040 board. I followed the instructions of your [page] and when i open the serial port i got an error (Error occurred opening serial port. (NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT)) as shown in the attached figure. I programmed the “connectivity_115k2_with_s132_2.0.1.hex” file by two ways: via drag and drop and by nrfjprog tool (version 8.4 and also 8.0) and i programmed ble example applications (with and without uart initialisation) with Keil uVision5. I noticed that the board receives the ASCII characters “*” “NUL” “ENQ” “NUL” “*” “*” and not respond any data. Any suggestion what i might be doing wrong or not doing? image description

  • image descriptionHi there, I have experienced the same problem. After pressing the RESET button I followed Remi's description on another page of this site - link

    Now I'm back again, the nrf52 DK is recognized as a J-link device for example in Seggers J-Flash tool V6.12a. But in nrf-Connect it will not work. Trying to use the nrf52 DK results in

    Error occurred opening serial port.(NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT)

    I tried with nrf-Connect 1.1.0 and 2.2.1 having installed the latest command line tools.

    What do I do wrong? I used it to make firmware over the air and to read characteristics. It worked for so long. I flashed some 50 PCBs last week and now this.

    See also log: 2018-01-16T09_03_44.504Z-log.txt

  • Hi again Bjørn, indeed I only have one nrf52 DK. I did nrfjprog --eraseall with the output:

    Erasing user available code and UICR flash areas. Applying system reset.

    Now nrf-Connect asks me to install the "required firmware" - Ok - Some flickering icons on the taskbar - Same error again.

    I send the log in a new post.

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