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fstorage error issue with sdk 14.1.0


I would like to use fstorage function, but when using the example of sdk 14.1.0, I had some errors, please help to let me know what problem is and how to define the start address, end_addr address....

     * last page of flash available to write data. */
    .start_addr = 0x0007F000, // by 0x800000
    .end_addr   = 0x000FF000,

I don't know which address I can use in the memory map(512 kb), I refer the following memory map, and I use the command to check memory (data) : nrfjprog --memrd 0x0007f000 --n 0x100

thankful for your support in advance, thanks.

Error : C:\working_dir\yps-202n\nRF5_SDK_14.1.0_1dda907\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\hal_flash_module.c, 137 16 ==> 16 means NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR

Error : C:\working_dir\yps-202n\nRF5_SDK_14.1.0_1dda907\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\hal_flash_module.c, 145 9 ==> 9 means NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "nrf.h"
#include "nrf_soc.h"
#include "nordic_common.h"
#include "boards.h"
#include "app_timer.h"
#include "app_util.h"
#include "nrf_fstorage.h"

#include "nrf_sdh.h"
#include "nrf_sdh_ble.h"
#include "nrf_fstorage_sd.h"

#include "nrf_log.h"
#include "nrf_log_ctrl.h"
#include "nrf_log_default_backends.h"


//refer to

static void fstorage_evt_handler(nrf_fstorage_evt_t * p_evt)
	if (p_evt->result != NRF_SUCCESS)
		printf("--> Event received: ERROR while executing an fstorage operation. \r\n");
	switch (p_evt->id)
			printf("--> Event received: wrote %d bytes at address 0x%x. \r\n",
			 p_evt->len, p_evt->addr);
		} break;
			printf("--> Event received: erased %d page from address 0x%x. \r\n",
			 p_evt->len, p_evt->addr);
		} break;

NRF_FSTORAGE_DEF(nrf_fstorage_t fstorage) =
    /* Set a handler for fstorage events. */
    .evt_handler = fstorage_evt_handler,

    /* These below are the boundaries of the flash space assigned to this instance of fstorage.
     * You must set these manually, even at runtime, before nrf_fstorage_init() is called.
     * The function nrf5_flash_end_addr_get() can be used to retrieve the last address on the
     * last page of flash available to write data. */
    .start_addr = 0x0007F000, // by 0x800000
    .end_addr   = 0x000FF000,

/* Dummy data to write to flash. */
static uint32_t 	m_data          = 0xBADC0FFE;//0xBADC0FFE;
//static char     	m_hello_world[] = "hello world";

/**@brief   Helper function to obtain the last address on the last page of the on-chip flash that
 *          can be used to write user data.
static uint32_t nrf5_flash_end_addr_get()
    uint32_t const bootloader_addr = NRF_UICR->NRFFW[0];
    uint32_t const page_sz         = NRF_FICR->CODEPAGESIZE;
    uint32_t const code_sz         = NRF_FICR->CODESIZE;

    return (bootloader_addr != 0xFFFFFFFF ?
            bootloader_addr : (code_sz * page_sz));

static void print_flash_info(nrf_fstorage_t * p_fstorage)
    printf("========| flash info |========\r\n");
    printf("erase unit: \t%d bytes\r\n",      p_fstorage->p_flash_info->erase_unit);
    printf("program unit: \t%d bytes\r\n",    p_fstorage->p_flash_info->program_unit);

void wait_for_flash_ready(nrf_fstorage_t const * p_fstorage)
    /* While fstorage is busy, sleep and wait for an event. */
    while (nrf_fstorage_is_busy(p_fstorage))


void flash_test(void)
{//nrfjprog --memrd 0x0007F000 --n 0x70  nrfjprog --memrd 0x10000010 --n 0x10
	ret_code_t rc;
	nrf_fstorage_api_t * p_fs_api;
	static uint32_t pages_to_erase = 1;
	NRF_LOG_INFO("SoftDevice is present.");
	NRF_LOG_INFO("Initializing nrf_fstorage_sd implementation...");
	/* Initialize an fstorage instance using the nrf_fstorage_sd backend.
	* nrf_fstorage_sd uses the SoftDevice to write to flash. This implementation can safely be
	* used whenever there is a SoftDevice, regardless of its status (enabled/disabled). */
	p_fs_api = &nrf_fstorage_sd;
	rc = nrf_fstorage_init(&fstorage, p_fs_api, NULL);
	/* It is possible to set the start and end addresses of an fstorage instance at runtime.
	* They can be set multiple times, should it be needed. The helper function below can
	* be used to determine the last address on the last page of flash memory available to
	* store data. */
	(void) nrf5_flash_end_addr_get();
	//    static uint32_t pages_to_erase = 1;
	rc = nrf_fstorage_erase(
		&fstorage,   /* The instance to use. */
		fstorage.start_addr,     /* The address of the flash pages to erase. */
		pages_to_erase, /* The number of pages to erase. */
		NULL            /* Optional parameter, backend-dependent. */

	/* Let's write to flash. */
//	NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing \"%x\" to flash.", m_data);
	rc = nrf_fstorage_write(&fstorage, fstorage.start_addr, &m_data, 4, NULL);
//	m_data = 0xABCDEABC;//0xDEADBEEF;
////	NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing \"%x\" to flash.", m_data);
//	rc = nrf_fstorage_write(&fstorage, 0x3e200, &m_data, sizeof(m_data), NULL);
//	wait_for_flash_ready(&fstorage);
//	NRF_LOG_INFO("Done.");
////	NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing \"%s\" to flash.", m_hello_world);
//	rc = nrf_fstorage_write(&fstorage, 0x3f000, m_hello_world, sizeof(m_hello_world), NULL);
//	wait_for_flash_ready(&fstorage);
//	NRF_LOG_INFO("Done.");
  • Hi,

    Please see the figure in this link. It is correct that the end address on the last page of the flash is 0x80000 on the nRF52832, but if you have added DFU/bootloader to your code, the bootloader, MBR and bootloader settings page will be located at the end of flash here. In the code you posted, you are using 0x0007F000 - 0x000FF000, this is the bootloader settings page if you have added the bootloader and cannot be used for application data.

    About erasing, what does the nrf_fstorage_erase() function return when you try to erase ?

    Note: "nrf_fstorage_sd" calls are queued until they are done and will cause the queue to fill up if you issue too many calls in a short window of time. Erase operations are by far the slowest and can take 10s of milliseconds to complete. Whenever you perform an fstorage call you should verify that the there was room in the queue before progressing. If there was not enough room the application should wait before retrying.

  • Hi,

    Please see the figure in this link. It is correct that the end address on the last page of the flash is 0x80000 on the nRF52832, but if you have added DFU/bootloader to your code, the bootloader, MBR and bootloader settings page will be located at the end of flash here. In the code you posted, you are using 0x0007F000 - 0x000FF000, this is the bootloader settings page if you have added the bootloader and cannot be used for application data.

    About erasing, what does the nrf_fstorage_erase() function return when you try to erase ?

    Note: "nrf_fstorage_sd" calls are queued until they are done and will cause the queue to fill up if you issue too many calls in a short window of time. Erase operations are by far the slowest and can take 10s of milliseconds to complete. Whenever you perform an fstorage call you should verify that the there was room in the queue before progressing. If there was not enough room the application should wait before retrying.

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