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Can't import project to eclipse

Hi, I want to use nRF51822 to do some development in the eclipse.I follow the document(nAN-29 nRF51 Development with GCC and Eclipse Application Note v1.1) step by step,when I import the project to eclipse,it hints no project are found, how to solve the problem? image description

  • Hi, There is no project files in nRF51_SDK_v6.1.0.0. So you will need to create a new project using Makefile project with Existing Codes. Then you can add project files easily.

  • Better to follow this blog than nAN-29. It has Eclipse projects examples ready to use.

  • So in the new SDK there are no real Eclipse project files, just gcc makefiles and source code files. So basically what you have to do is create your own project around the given source files and makefiles. Lets use the ble_app_hrs project as an example. I assume that all your toolchains have been setup properly. If not there are quite a few threads on that.

    1. Open eclipse, and click File > New > Makefile Project with Existing Code

    2. Name the project and use the path to the main.c source file for the ble_app_hrs project folder

    3. Setup the Project Build path to the makefile via, Project Properies > C/C++ Build > Builder Settings. Set the path to the gcc folder in the ble_app_hrs project folder. This allows it to link to the project makefile you are building your project around. Make sure it is named makefile.

    4. You will have to set paths to all the necessary SDK library files. There are a few threads on which paths to add in the Project Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols (under Gnu C)
