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Opus implementation with BLE (SDK 14.2)


I'm currently working on an application that collects audio data and sends it to a central device via BLE. Since audio compression has great potential to reduce power consumption, I would like to implement opus (libopus 1.2.1) on the nRF DK 52 (nRF52832). I have a couple of questions regarding that.

After downloading libopus 1.2.1 I'm left with a folder structure, including different makefiles, sourcefiles, etc.

I have some questions regarding the actual implementation into Segger Embedded Studio.

1. Is there example code available for an implementation of Opus on a Nordic chip (using both BLE and opus)? (Smart Remote apparently, but I cannot find any example code)

2. What is a normal way to go about such an implementation? Should I precompile the library and then add it to the Nordic libraries? or can I add the whole folder structure to the Segger IDE and compile it in there?

3. If I'm not mistaken I have a separate makefile for Opus either way. Do I need to merge the makefiles from the BLE Nordic example and Opus or how can I go about this?

4. Very general question, what's the relation between the sdk_config file and the makefile?

By now it's probably clear that I do not have much experience in coding for embedded systems. Just tell me if you need more details or clarifications on some things.

Thanks for the help!

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