I have two problems with pc-ble-driver, I've tested hrc_v5 example program on my Linux machine, along with connectivity_2.0.1_115k2_with_s132_5.0.hex firmware (using https://github.com/electronut/ElectronutLabs-bluey/ which has same RX/TX pins etc.), and it seems to work. However the same combination is not working on mac OS, it fails with 'Failed to open nRF BLE Driver. Error code: 0x0D', baud rate is the same on both sides. What might be the issue in this case?
Second problem is with building the connectivity firmware. I download sdk 14.0.0 (using the bootstrap script), and apply the patch using 'git apply --directory=. -p1 --ignore-whitespace ../../hex/sd_api_v5/sdk140_connectivity.patch' (which the bootstrap script fails to apply). I write this firmware by first erasing the chip, then writing softdevice and then the generated firmware 'pca10040/ser_s132_hci/armgcc/_build/nrf52832_xxaa.hex'. This is presumably the same firmware as above afaik, with the bad rate 115200, but it does not work with hrc_v5 binary. Is there any difference between this and the pre-built hex file?