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FatFS example on SDK 14.2: initialization error (disk_state = 1)


Freshly downloaded the SDK14.2 and trying to start a new development based on the fatfs example.

I connected a small Sparkfun SD card breakout to the SPI pin on my pca10040 (actually rigado BMD-300 evaluation board which should be fully compatible). My connections are:

- P0.22 --> CS

- P0.23 --> DI/MOSI

- P0.24 --> DO/MISO

- P0.25 --> SCK

(+ VCC and GND)

I also tried to change the pullup settings on MISO to all three possible configurations.

Result: initialization error (disk_state = 1).

The analyzer shows that the SPI master tries to communicate with the SD card, which does not answer at all (see attached picture).

I double- even triple-checked the wiring, but cannot tell what could be wrong.

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