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S130 programming for the nRF51822 mkit with gcc on a raspberry pi

I am trying to develop for some nRF51822 mbed boards, and I would like to use the S130 SD to enable both central and peripheral behaviour. The machine I'm using for development currently is a raspberry pi.

I am currently hoping to use pyOCD (from Nordic's github repository) with ARM's GCC toolchain. But I have come across the stumbling block of having to build said toolchain for my platform before I can use it.

Am I on the right track? I.e., if I get the ARM GCC built and working on the pi, will I be able to use it with the nRF51 SDK to get these boards working with the S130 SD?

If I'm on the wrong track and someone can suggest a better way to go about this, I would be very grateful!
