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How to measure Lithium battery voltage

How to measure Lithium battery voltage with the nRF51 ADC

  • Hi, Stefan

    With the setup mentioned above the voltage divider consumes current of 4.2V/(12,2Mohm)=0.35 uA. C:\fakepath\nRF51 ADC - Voltage divider schematics for LiIon battery measurement.jpg

    Good solution. But even 0,35uA may to be quite high in some cases. In order to reduce this continuous current consumption, I'm gonna allocate one of GPIO pins to act as GND switch. It mean the low pin of R2 ( according your schematic ) will not directly connected to GND. It will be connected to GPIO pin instead and tied to GND through this pin only when required for measurements.

    May you comment this? Do you see some drawbacks or potential problems in this way?

    Thnx in advance.

  • Hi, Stefan

    With the setup mentioned above the voltage divider consumes current of 4.2V/(12,2Mohm)=0.35 uA. C:\fakepath\nRF51 ADC - Voltage divider schematics for LiIon battery measurement.jpg

    Good solution. But even 0,35uA may to be quite high in some cases. In order to reduce this continuous current consumption, I'm gonna allocate one of GPIO pins to act as GND switch. It mean the low pin of R2 ( according your schematic ) will not directly connected to GND. It will be connected to GPIO pin instead and tied to GND through this pin only when required for measurements.

    May you comment this? Do you see some drawbacks or potential problems in this way?

    Thnx in advance.

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