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nRF52832 IO problem


We have nRF52832 chip on our product and we have some problem with one of its IOs.. We configured P0.16 as RX of UART, And when we run it we see this behavior of this IO:

VCC (yellow) vs P0.16 (green) that configured as UART_RX

Here we see that with rising of VCC (yellow signal) IO (green) rising to almost 1V when it supposed to still at 0V. Important note: we disable and enable VCC fast here so we see that before rising of VCC it don't have 0V. This behaviour is very problematic to our system. Because we have power supply sensitive sensor that connected to this UART. This spike of voltage damage sensor that connected to this IO.

We tried to load to evaluation board same version of SW on nRF52832 and we got next result:

We see that also here we have the problematic spike.

When we erased the evaluation board - we got the same result.

Is this IO known as problematic?

Thank you

Parents Reply Children
  • The problem was that at power-up at some point the voltage at MSP flash was relatively low and it damaged the flash so it stopped working. This damage may be resolved only by FW update of MSP but no always.

    At some point during our problem debug we thought that nRF have problem, and we also saw no good behaviour of nordic IO and thought that ot damaged. It is the reason I opened this tread here. But at the end the problem was with MSP and after MSP replacement the design worked again.

    I would to recommend you to deassemble your nordic chip and check it at other board to ensure that it is it that damaged..
