Because I'm using PTR9618 module of nRF52832, it don't have XTAL 32.768Khz (X2).
When Makefile have NRF52_WITHOUT_SOFTDEVICE=1, hello-world, blink-hello work fine. But when NRF52_WITHOUT_SOFTDEVICE=0, above examples don't work.
And, Hello-world is running without Softdevice, LED 1 don't blinking and BLE not advertising.
I saw the similar thing on Windows (Keil MDK) when I learned ble_app_uart example. After debugging, I detected the problem that is about LF_SRC (X2). My module don't have XTAL 32.768Khz (X2). I have switched LF_SRC from XTAL 32.768Khz to RC osicallator, then the problem is resloved.
However, I'm not able to change LF_SRC on Contiki. I changed some things in some places, but it's still not working.
in file ~/contiki/platform/nrf52dk/config/nrf_drv_config.h: #define CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_RC
in file ~/nrf5x-sdk/components/drivers_nrf/config/nrf_drv_config.h: #define CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_RC
my english is not good.