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sending ADC sampled audio data over BLE

Hi everybody

I'm working on an application where I want to sample microphone data with the adc (NRF52 DK board, nRF52832) and send it over BLE to a central device. I've already read quite a lot about creating your own BLE service and characteristics but I'm wondering if there is a good starting example or already existing code for my application.

Here are some application requirements:

around 100kb/s data stream

data arrays, probably as large as possible (max. MTU size)

sampled with 4kHz/8kHz/16kHz, 10 bit ADC

Low power application

example commands from central node to peripheral node: start streaming, stop streaming, etc.

The only real example I found so far is BLE NUS service from the ble_app_uart example (using ble_nus_string_send). Is this the way to go for transmitting large amounts of data? (also regarding power consumption)

Best and thanks for your time


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