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pca20006 nRF51822 Beacon Firmware not working after migration to s110 v7

I am trying to apply the new features in the latest soft device s110 v7 to the firmware of my pca20006 bluetooth smart beacons (nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit Firmware Files 1.0.1). However, I am having trouble migrating the current smart beacon firmware code to use the new s110 v7 library. After updating a few things in the firmware code, I managed to compile the firmware with zero warnings, but when I flash the Beacons with the new firmware, everything became non-functional.

Are there any update firmware examples specifically for the pca20006 nRF51822 Beacons on s110 v7? Otherwise, any suggestions on how it can be migrated properly?


  • In the S110 release bundle zip file, there is a migration document detailing all changes needed to migrate from earlier versions to the current version. The most important change going to 7.x is the softdevice size having changed, and the addition of the mandatory sd_ble_enable() API call and a new error code. The latter change changes the SVC numbers, meaning you will have to compile against the new header files.

  • In the S110 release bundle zip file, there is a migration document detailing all changes needed to migrate from earlier versions to the current version. The most important change going to 7.x is the softdevice size having changed, and the addition of the mandatory sd_ble_enable() API call and a new error code. The latter change changes the SVC numbers, meaning you will have to compile against the new header files.
