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Write and read back the FSR register failed

Hello Nordic Team,

I have a problem with programming the nRF24LE1 chip. I am developing a small system, which consists of a uC STM32F4xx and a nRF24LE1 Radio Module. The STM32 chip is able to update nRF chip. And here I have a problem to write the SFR register and read it back. In oscilloscope I see the command or writing and reading the register, I try to set the 3d bit to read the Info Page, but after writing that register and read it back, I get all ways 0x00. But, before that, I did programmed the Flash with the example program from your SDK (Uart example), and I can read it back successfully. The problem here is that the program does not work (I do not see any movements on tx or rx pins of the uart on the chip). That is why I want now to read the InfoPage, to make sure, that the CPU starts form right position. May be, during the development of the update mechanism, I did already killed the CPU and that is why the register does not read properly. But the Flash is read back and may be flashed again!

And here are some questions:

  1. is it possible to read the values of the register FSR, which was written (specially 3rd bit IFEN)?
  2. Should the write and read commands be separated with FCSN pin release (goes high)?
  3. Did I understand right, that read register and write register commands are consists from two bytes (within one FCSN assertion)?
  4. Do I need to make a small pause between the bytes in one command?

Thank you in advance,

