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FatFs question

I used nRF5_SDK_14.1.0_1dda907.

I used fatfs example.

Wirted data in the same file to sd card.

I discoverd that Max size of the file is 16KB.

Over the max size of file, when i write data to sd card, will be failure.

Can i change the max size to one file, or no limit size ?

Parents Reply
  • Please forget the block count, it should be given by the SDCard library. 

    If f_open returns 0x01 this means: FR_DISK_ERR,        /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */

    There's only two ways f_open can return FR_DISK_ERR and they are present in the lines 3407 to 3423 of ff.c in SDK15. I need you to debug these lines and figure out which of these two lines that sets res = FR_DISK_ERR. 
