I purchased a sparkfun breakout board (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/nrf52832-breakout-board-hookup-guide and schematic https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/5/4/9/sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout-schematic-v10.pdf).
I tried to hook up to my nRF52 DK for external programming as detailed in the first link (plus connecting breakout 3v3 to DK VDD for power). The power and user LEDs light up on the sparkfun. Using segger embedded studio, it seems that the download to the breakout is successful. I don't then get any RTT output, and don't see any BLE advertisements, and I can't modify the user LED state, so it seems that the program doesn't run.
I also soldered a pin header to the cortex debug connector on the breakout, and connected to the debug out on the DK, plus connecting DK VDD to breakout 3v3 again. This was exactly the same.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks