I wanna implement this code for the app inventor, but there was several problem here. I can't use array or index for developing my trapezoidal method.. like this..
code from mbed compiler mbed compiler algorithm and also I've tried before using this guy method to implement array in app inventor array app inventor
here's the code that I wanna to implemnt in app inventor..
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { //formula totvect[i] = sqrt(pow((double)xaccl[i],2.0)+pow((double)yaccl[i],2.0)+pow((double)zaccl[i],2.0)); wait(0.3); totave[i] = ((double)totvect[i]+(double)totvect[i-1])/2.0 ; wait(0.3); acc=acc+totave[i]; wait(0.3); totvel[i]=(1*((double)totave[i]-(double)totave[i-1]/2.0)+totvel[i-1]); wait(0.3); totdist[i]=(1*((double)totvel[i]-(double)totvel[i-1]/2.0)+totdist[i-1]); }
ant knn method also..
do{ wait(0.1); for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { //initiLIZATION b[i]=-1; c[i]=0; } int min=1000; p = (readings[0]); q = (readings[1]); //uart1.scanf("%ld,%ld",&p,&q); if((p < 0) | (q < 0)) exit(0); data n; //data point to classify n.setd(p,q,STANDING); data d[MAX]; //training set d[0].setd(1,1,STANDING); d[1].setd(1,2,STANDING); d[2].setd(1,3,STANDING); d[3].setd(1,4,STANDING); d[4].setd(1,5,STANDING); d[5].setd(1,6,STANDING); d[6].setd(1,7,STANDING); d[7].setd(2,1,STANDING); d[8].setd(2,2,STANDING); d[9].setd(2,3,WALKING); d[10].setd(2,4,WALKING); d[11].setd(2,5,WALKING); d[12].setd(2,6,WALKING); d[13].setd(2,7,WALKING); d[14].setd(5,1,CLIMBING); d[15].setd(5,2,CLIMBING); d[16].setd(5,3,CLIMBING); d[17].setd(5,4,CLIMBING); d[18].setd(5,5,CLIMBING); d[19].setd(5,6,CLIMBING); for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ a[i]=dis(n,d[i]); //uart1.printf("\t\t %d\n", a[i]); } //k-nearest neighbours calculation i.e smallest k distances for(int j=0;j<k;j++) { min=1000; for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { if(i!=b[0]&&i!=b[1]&&i!=b[2]) { if((a[i]<=min)) { min=a[i]; b[j]=i; } } } //uart1.printf("%d\n",min); } //counting frequency of a class in each neighbour for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { switch (d[b[i]].getcat()) { case STANDING: c[0]++; break; case WALKING: c[2]++; break; case CLIMBING: c[1]++; break; } } //counting max frequency int max=-1,j; for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { if(c[i]>max){ max=c[i]; j=i; } } wait(0.1); printf("Prediction is:"); switch (j) { case 0: uart1.printf("STANDING\n"); break; case 1: uart1.printf("CLIMBING\n"); break; case 2: uart1.printf("WALKING\n"); break; } }while(true); }
please help me to convert this c++ code to app inventor blocks..
and here it's my final result

but there was error when debug to apk.. that shows like this one..

for the file project also here