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How to set sending power of NRF52810 with SDK15.0


I want to set sending power(+4dBm) of NRF52810/NRF52832 with SDK 15.0.

Now,i  find i should use  the order of sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(uint8_t role, uint16_t handle, int8_t tx_power));

But , i donn't the meaning of second parameter.

List as follows by SDK15.0:

* @param[in]     handle                     The handle parameter is interpreted depending on role:
* - If role is @ref BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_CONN, this value is the specific connection handle.
* - If role is @ref BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_ADV, the advertising set identified with the advertising handle,
* will use the specified transmit power, and include it in the advertising packet headers if
* @ref ble_gap_adv_properties_t::include_tx_power set.
* - For all other roles handle is ignored.

Now,  i will make a beacon and  i set it as sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_ADV,0,4);

It is right?

If the role is BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_CONN, how to set the second parameter.

  • Now,

    I think i have found the reason why i failed.

    uint8_t err_adv=sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_ADV,m_adv_handle,+4); //At this place;


    err_adv=sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(BLE_GAP_TX_POWER_ROLE_ADV,m_adv_handle,+4); //At this place;

    this command must at the back of advertising_init();

    and the return data is 0 (NRF_SUCCESS);

  • Hello!

    Sorry for the late reply. It seems like you figured it out, but yes, it has to be called after advertising_init(), because it needs to know the advertising handle. This is new, as the Advertising handle came in SDK15, which is why it wasn't required before.


    Best regards,


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