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gcc emitting wrong floating point instructions?

Hi there, I'm currently facing the problem, that an example as simple as

volatile float sum;
extern "C" int _start()
    float a = 1.0;
    double d = 2.2;
    sum = a + d;


is causing problems.

The compiler is invoked with -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mabi=aapcs -mthumb -msoft-float -mfloat-abi=soft (and many othere switches). The generated assembler looks like this:

extern "C" int _start()
d6:	f000 fb33 	bl	740 <____aeabi_f2d_from_thumb>
00000740 <____aeabi_f2d_from_thumb>:
740:	4778      	bx	pc
742:	46c0      	nop			; (mov r8, r8)
744:	eaffffa3 	b	5d8 <__aeabi_f2d>

When I step through this using a JLink-Debug, the last instructions are:

000000D6:  00 F0 33 FB        BL      #+0x666
00000740:  78 47              BX      PC

Then the cpu is cycling in the HardFault handler. To me it looks like, the gcc is emitting wrong code, right? But how can I fix it? We use the binaries offered by ARM:

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc -v
gcc version 4.8.4 20140526 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 211358] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 

The target device is a 51422.

Any help, idea, pointers are highly appreciated.

Kind regards, Torsten

  • Well the code is correct, sort of, and I don't know whether it's being generated by gcc or linked in from a library, probably generated. That 'bx pc' jumps to the PC+4 and switches to ARM mode, which is why you're ending up in the hard fault handler, in Thumb mode that's not allowed. There's a clue in the function name, __aeabi_f2d_from_thumb, that looks like a thunk to the f2d (I guess that's float division) library function 'from thumb'.

    So it seems to me the compiler thinks it should be using an ARM FP library which it's linked in, and has generated a correct call into ARM code for it, but you're on a Thumb device.

    Possibilities, there's another flag on the command line confusing it, perhaps try to compile that line by hand with different flags to see what you get. I see you're using 4.8.4 of gcc, have you tried 4.8.3, may be a regression.

  • Well the code is correct, sort of, and I don't know whether it's being generated by gcc or linked in from a library, probably generated. That 'bx pc' jumps to the PC+4 and switches to ARM mode, which is why you're ending up in the hard fault handler, in Thumb mode that's not allowed. There's a clue in the function name, __aeabi_f2d_from_thumb, that looks like a thunk to the f2d (I guess that's float division) library function 'from thumb'.

    So it seems to me the compiler thinks it should be using an ARM FP library which it's linked in, and has generated a correct call into ARM code for it, but you're on a Thumb device.

    Possibilities, there's another flag on the command line confusing it, perhaps try to compile that line by hand with different flags to see what you get. I see you're using 4.8.4 of gcc, have you tried 4.8.3, may be a regression.
