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Background Scanning Channel

I would like to use Channel 0 of the S310 Stack V1.0.0 on the nRF51422 to do a background scan of ANT devices.

I am testing against ANTWARE II v4.1 with the ANT+ usb dongle. I opened two channels of the same frequency, but at different period. I also enabled Extended messaging on both of them with different Device Number.

I tried turning on the Background Search mode, however, I was only able to catch one of the channel despite both of them are broadcasting at the same time.

Is there a mode that I can use to scan for all ANT devices in a given RF frequency?

Thank you,


  • Sorry for the delayed answer.

    ANT has an application note on "Background Scanning Channel".

    I just tested what you describe, and it works as expected. I'm able to receive messages from both master channels.

    I use the ANT+ USB dongle to send two different messages on two master channels,

    I used S210 and modified ant_broadcast/broadcast_rx from our SDK. I also did a quick test with S310.

    I added a few defines, and modified

    ant_channel_rx_broadcast_setup(void) and channel_event_handle(uint8_t * p_event_message_buffer).

    If you go into debug mode and put a breakpoint at count = 0 you should be able to see that the messages array contain both 0x01 and 0x02.

    I have attached my project, please use it as a proof of concept. [Updated]

    ANT+ USB dongle setup:

    Master (Transmit)
    Tx Only
    Device Number: 1
    Device Type: 1
    Trans. Type: 1
    Channel Period: 8 Hz
    Radio Freq: 2466MHz
    Send Using Extended Messaging (works with or without)
    Broadcast:  0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02 0x02

    Master (Transmit)
    Tx Only
    Device Number: 2
    Device Type: 1
    Trans. Type: 1
    Channel Period: 4 Hz
    Radio Freq: 2466MHz
    Send Using Extended Messaging (works with or without)
    Broadcast: 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01
  • Sorry, that was an error, I have updated the project to use sd_ant_channel_low_priority_rx_search_timeout_set, not sd_ant_search_channel_priority_set. Thank you for making me aware.

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