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Other frequency on XC1 pin of NRF24LE1

Hi all, I am using NRF24LE1 32pin. Does anybody know can I apply on XC1 pin external frequency different from 16MHz if I am not using radio module??? Thanks.

  • The nRF24LE1 is only tested with external 16 MHz. I assume you are looking into using a crystal/source with higher frequency or do you have something close to 16 MHz from a different source?

    The chip itself runs fine on the internal 16 MHz RCOSC, so if you only want to use the chip, but not the radio, you can get away with using the internal 16 MHz RCOSC.

    We can't predict what will will happen if you input a frequency higher than 16 MHz, but it would probably work for something fairly close to 16 MHz, but at some point moving up in frequency it will stop. We don't recommend doing this however, but if you do, let us all know how it works out:)
