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Changes required to infrastructure file ble_glc.c attached

The issue is that I fixed some of your bugs in the attached file, as follows:


  1. Changed to handle larger number of records greater than 256 records, we need 500 records capability, was 8-bit record counter, now is 16 bit records counter.
  2. Fixed an endless loop issue in RACP code. The “first/last” RACP sending logic had an endless loop.
  3. Changed m_next_seq_num to global variable to be global to access from other parts of the codebase. This is the record sequence number.
  4. fix logic in glucose_meas_send call that never completes sending char notification, see lines 716-721
  • Attaching 3rd fix file to use a sleep to prevent issues, with prior fix commented out that prevents retries 99% not needed, but a few are needed.

    See line 972 commented out, and added 20ms sleep.

    Just ignore all else, and use the 3rd file to see what is needed. I hope a better fix can be done instead of the sleep which hides the issue. Maybe this was why this code was never completed to send meas contexts !

    Latest code here:

    * File   :	ble_gls.c
    * Revision History:
    *  Date:	By:		Description:
    *  4/19/16	dlc		initial, chg m_next_seq_num to global
    * 12/09/16  dlc     added printf, support for it
    * 07/11/17  dlc     removed printf's not needed
    * 07/13/17  dlc     reinserted seqnum cmtd out earlier, future: replace with seqnum from db !
    * 08/10/17  dlc     chg m_racp_proc_record data point from 8bit to 16bit to retrieve more than 255 records.
    * 02/23/18  dlc     fix first/last RACP sending logic endless loop
    * 06/22/18  dlc     fix logic after sd_ble_gatts_hvx calls that never completes sending char notification, see lines 716-721 and 729-732
    * 06/25/18  dlc     fixed resending too many records when RACP sends ALL records and gets error: BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS.
    *                   fixed by incrementing record counter called: m_racp_proc_record_ndx, see line 971
    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
     * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
     * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
     * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
     * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
     * the file.
    /* Attention!
    *  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA�s Bluetooth profile
    *  qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.
    #include "sdk_config.h" //dlc added
    #include "sdk_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #include "ble_racp.h"
    #include "ble_srv_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls_db.h"
    #include "nrf_log.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    #include "../../../examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_gls/Common_definitions.h"
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM     0x01                                     /**< Filter data using Sequence Number criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME 0x02                                     /**< Filter data using User Facing Time criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START   0x07                                     /**< Start of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_END     0xFF                                     /**< End of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPCODE_LENGTH 1                                                          /**< Length of opcode inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define HANDLE_LENGTH 2                                                          /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH)        /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    //#define BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT          23																		 /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    //#define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH) /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    #define GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS   BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 0 /**< Reply when a requested procedure is already in progress. */
    #define GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 1 /**< Reply when the a s CCCD is improperly configured. */
    /**@brief Glucose Service communication state. */
    typedef enum
        STATE_NO_COMM,                                                     /**< The service is not in a communicating state. */
        STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE,                                            /**< Processing requested data. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING,                                       /**< There is a RACP indication waiting to be sent. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF                                      /**< Waiting for a verification of a RACP indication. */
    } gls_state_t;
    static gls_state_t      m_gls_state;                                   /**< Current communication state. */
    //was: static uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    static uint8_t          m_racp_proc_operator;                          /**< Operator of current request. */
    static uint16_t         m_racp_proc_seq_num;                           /**< Sequence number of current request. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_record_ndx;                        /**< Current record index. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported;                  /**< Number of reported records. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete; /**< Number of reported records since last TX_COMPLETE event. */
    static ble_racp_value_t m_pending_racp_response;                       /**< RACP response to be sent. */
    static uint8_t          m_pending_racp_response_operand[2];            /**< Operand of RACP response to be sent. */
    /**@brief Function for setting the GLS communication state.
     * @param[in] new_state  New communication state.
    static void state_set(gls_state_t new_state)
        m_gls_state = new_state;
    /**@brief Function for setting the next sequence number by reading the last record in the data base.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization of service, otherwise an error code.
    //static uint32_t next_sequence_number_set(void)
    //    uint16_t      num_records;
    //    ble_gls_rec_t rec;
    //    num_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
    //    if (num_records > 0)
    //    {
    //        // Get last record
    //        uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_records - 1, &rec);
    //        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //        {
    //            return err_code;
    //        }
    //        m_next_seq_num = rec.meas.sequence_number + 1;
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        m_next_seq_num = 0;
    //    }
    //    return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas            Measurement to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded measurement is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_meas_encode(const ble_gls_meas_t * p_meas, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        len += ble_date_time_encode(&p_meas->base_time, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_TIME_OFFSET)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->time_offset, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONC_TYPE_LOC)
            uint16_t encoded_concentration;
            encoded_concentration = ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (p_meas->sample_location << 4) | (p_meas->type & 0x0F);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_SENSOR_STATUS)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sensor_status_annunciation, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas_ctx        Context to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded context is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_ctx_encode(const ble_gls_meas_context_t * p_meas_ctx, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXT)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->extended_flags;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_CARB)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
            uint16_t encoded_carbohydrate_id;
            encoded_carbohydrate_id = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MEAL)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->meal;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_TESTER)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->tester_and_health;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXERCISE)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->exercise_duration , &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->exercise_intensity;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->medication_id;
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_KG)
                uint16_t encoded_medication;
                encoded_medication = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication >> 8);
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_L)
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
                uint16_t encoded_concentration;
                encoded_concentration = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_HBA1C)
            uint16_t encoded_hba1c;
            encoded_hba1c = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c >> 8);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_measurement_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        //ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value2;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        //ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid2;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        //uint8_t             encoded_gls_measContext[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
       // memset(&attr_char_value2, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value2));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //    attr_char_value2.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid2;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
    //    //attr_char_value2.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.context, encoded_gls_measContext);
    //    attr_char_value2.init_len  = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.init_offs = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_value   = encoded_gls_measContext;
    //    return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //                                           &char_md,
    //                                           &attr_char_value2,
    //                                           &p_gls->glm_context_handles);
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_context_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose feature.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_feature_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        uint8_t             encoded_initial_feature[2];
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
     = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf        = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md   = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md        = NULL;
        char_md.p_sccd_md        = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 0;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        encoded_initial_feature[0] = (uint8_t)(p_gls->feature);
        encoded_initial_feature[1] = (uint8_t)((p_gls->feature) >> 8);
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_initial_feature;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a record access control point.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t record_access_control_point_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.indicate = 1;
        char_md.char_props.write    = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc    = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf           = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md      = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md           = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md           = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 1;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = 0;
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF;
        //attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT; //Scott
        attr_char_value.p_value   = 0;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    uint32_t ble_gls_init(ble_gls_t * p_gls, const ble_gls_init_t * p_gls_init)
        uint32_t   err_code;
        ble_uuid_t ble_uuid;
        // Initialize data base
        err_code = ble_gls_db_init();
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        //was managed, now PL managd
    //    err_code = next_sequence_number_set();
    //    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //    {
    //        return err_code;
    //    }
        // Initialize service structure
        p_gls->evt_handler          = p_gls_init->evt_handler;
        p_gls->error_handler        = p_gls_init->error_handler;
        p_gls->feature              = p_gls_init->feature;
        p_gls->is_context_supported = p_gls_init->is_context_supported;
        p_gls->conn_handle          = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
        // Initialize global variables
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        // Add service
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add(BLE_GATTS_SRVC_TYPE_PRIMARY, &ble_uuid, &p_gls->service_handle);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_measurement_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_context_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement feature characteristic
        err_code = glucose_feature_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add record control access point characteristic
        err_code = record_access_control_point_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for sending a response from the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls       Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_val  RACP value to be sent.
    static void racp_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_val)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_resp[25];
        uint8_t                len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        if (
            (m_gls_state != STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            (m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete > 0)
        // Send indication
        len     = ble_racp_encode(p_racp_val, encoded_resp);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof(hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_INDICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_resp;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        // Error handling
        if ((err_code == NRF_SUCCESS) && (hvx_len != len))
            err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
        switch (err_code)
            case NRF_SUCCESS:
                // Wait for HVC event
            case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to retry transmission
            case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
                // Report error to application
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for sending a RACP response containing a Response Code Op Code and a Response Code Value.
     * @param[in] p_gls   Service instance.
     * @param[in] opcode  RACP Op Code.
     * @param[in] value   RACP Response Code Value.
    static void racp_response_code_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t value)
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_RESPONSE_CODE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = 2;
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = opcode;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = value;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for sending a glucose measurement/context.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_rec  Measurement to be sent.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_meas_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_glm[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint16_t               len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send start.\r\n");
        len     = gls_meas_encode(&p_rec->meas, encoded_glm);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (hvx_len != len)
                err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send1.\r\n");
                return err_code; //moved to here
    //        else
    //        {
    //            return err_code; //move to above, exit on error ! Otherwise continue and send notif
    //        }
            p_rec->context.sequence_number = p_rec->meas.sequence_number;
            len     = gls_ctx_encode(&p_rec->context, encoded_glm);
            hvx_len = len;
            memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
            hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_context_handles.value_handle;
            hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
            hvx_params.offset = 0;
            hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
            hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
            if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (hvx_len != len)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send2.\r\n");
                    return NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
    //            else
    //            {
    //            	return err_code; //bad, removed, returns when no error !
    //            }
                // Measurement successfully sent
            return err_code;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the ALL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_all(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx >= total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("ble_gls_db_record_get error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("ALL send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the FIRST or the LAST operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return  NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_first_last(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t      err_code;
        ble_gls_rec_t rec;
        uint16_t      total_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if ((m_racp_proc_records_reported != 0) || (total_records == 0))
            //NRF_LOG_INFO("got 1st/last rec already, set state.\r\n");
            if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(0, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            else if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(total_records - 1, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("First/Last send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the GREATER_OR_EQUAL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        while (m_racp_proc_record_ndx < total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
            if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= m_racp_proc_seq_num)
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx == total_records)
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for informing that the REPORT RECORDS procedure is completed.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_completed(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint8_t resp_code_value;
        if (m_racp_proc_records_reported > 0)
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_NO_RECORDS_FOUND;
        racp_response_code_send(p_gls, RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS, resp_code_value);
    /**@brief Function for the RACP report records procedure.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_procedure(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t firstlast = 0;
        while (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
            // Execute requested procedure
            switch (m_racp_proc_operator)
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                	nrf_delay_ms(20); //pause to avoid tx buffer wait for TX complete, which causes issues, since good sends are called errors, causing resends
                    err_code = racp_report_records_all(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                	firstlast = 1;
                    err_code = racp_report_records_first_last(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    err_code = racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(p_gls);
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
            // Error handling
            switch (err_code)
                case NRF_SUCCESS:
                    if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                    	if (firstlast == 1)
                            NRF_LOG_INFO("m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            		//this fix stops all retries, but some may be needed, use sleep instead:
                	//m_racp_proc_record_ndx++; //added to fix retries not needed
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS: m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                    // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to resume transmission
                case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                    // Notification is probably not enabled. Ignore request.
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for testing if the received request is to be executed.
     * @param[in]  p_racp_request   Request to be checked.
     * @param[out] p_response_code  Response code to be sent in case the request is rejected.
     *                              RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED is returned if the received message is
     *                              to be rejected without sending a response.
     * @return TRUE if the request is to be executed, FALSE if it is to be rejected.
     *         If it is to be rejected, p_response_code will contain the response code to be
     *         returned to the central.
    static bool is_request_to_be_executed(const ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request,
                                          uint8_t                * p_response_code)
        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED;
        if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_ABORT_OPERATION)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                if (p_racp_request->operator != RACP_OPERATOR_NULL)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
                else if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
                *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_ABORT_FAILED;
        else if (m_gls_state != STATE_NO_COMM)
            return false;
        // Supported opcodes.
        else if ((p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS) ||
                 (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS))
            switch (p_racp_request->operator)
                // Operators WITHOUT a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                    if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Operators WITH a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM)
                        if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 3)
                            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] >= OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Unsupported operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_RANGE:
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                // Invalid operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_NULL:
                    if (p_racp_request->operator >= RACP_OPERATOR_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
        // Unsupported opcodes,
        else if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_DELETE_RECS)
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // Unknown opcodes.
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // NOTE: The computation of the return value will change slightly when deferred write has been
        //       implemented in the stack.
        return (*p_response_code == RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED);
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
        m_racp_proc_record_ndx       = 0;
        m_racp_proc_operator         = p_racp_request->operator;
        m_racp_proc_records_reported = 0;
        m_racp_proc_seq_num          = seq_num;
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT NUM RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_num_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t total_records;
        uint16_t num_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        num_records   = 0;
        if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_ALL)
            num_records = total_records;
        else if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)
            uint16_t seq_num;
            uint16_t i;
            seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
            for (i = 0; i < total_records; i++)
                uint32_t      err_code;
                ble_gls_rec_t rec;
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(i, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= seq_num)
        else if ((p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST) ||
                 (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST))
            if (total_records > 0)
                num_records = 1;
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_NUM_RECS_RESPONSE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = sizeof(uint16_t);
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = num_records & 0xFF;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = num_records >> 8;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for checking if the CCCDs are configured.
     * @param[in] p_gls                  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_are_cccd_configured  boolean indicating if both cccds are configured
    uint32_t ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(ble_gls_t * p_gls, bool * p_are_cccd_configured)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t  cccd_value_buf[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN];
        bool     is_glm_notif_enabled  = false;
        bool     is_racp_indic_enabled = false;
        ble_gatts_value_t gatts_value;
        // Initialize value struct.
        memset(&gatts_value, 0, sizeof(gatts_value));
        gatts_value.len     = BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN;
        gatts_value.offset  = 0;
        gatts_value.p_value = cccd_value_buf;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    return err_code;
    is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
    err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_racp_indic_enabled = ble_srv_is_indication_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        if (is_racp_indic_enabled & is_glm_notif_enabled)
            *p_are_cccd_configured = true;
            *p_are_cccd_configured = false;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for handling a write event to the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_racp_value_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        ble_racp_value_t                      racp_request;
        uint8_t                               response_code;
        ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply_params_t auth_reply;
        bool                                  are_cccd_configured;
        uint32_t                              err_code;
        auth_reply.type                = BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE;
        auth_reply.params.write.offset = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.len    = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.p_data = NULL;
        err_code = ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(p_gls, &are_cccd_configured);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        if (!are_cccd_configured)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        // Decode request.
        ble_racp_decode(p_evt_write->len, p_evt_write->data, &racp_request);
        // Check if request is to be executed.
        if (is_request_to_be_executed(&racp_request, &response_code))
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Execute request.
            if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS)
                report_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
            else if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS)
                report_num_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
        else if (response_code != RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Abort any running procedure.
            // Respond with error code.
            racp_response_code_send(p_gls, racp_request.opcode, response_code);
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    /**@brief Function for handling the Glucose measurement CCCD write event.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_glm_cccd_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        if (p_evt_write->len == 2)
            // CCCD written, update notification state
            ble_gls_evt_t evt;
            if (ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(p_evt_write->data))
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED;
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED;
            if (p_gls->evt_handler != NULL)
                p_gls->evt_handler(p_gls, &evt);
    /**@brief Function for handling the WRITE event.
     * @details Handles WRITE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write;
        if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->glm_handles.cccd_handle)
            on_glm_cccd_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
        else if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            on_racp_value_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
    /**@brief Function for handling the TX_COMPLETE event.
     * @details Handles TX_COMPLETE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_tx_complete(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
        else if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
    /**@brief Function for handling the HVC event.
     * @details Handles HVC events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_hvc(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_hvc_t * p_hvc = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvc;
        if (p_hvc->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF)
                // Indication has been acknowledged. Return to default state.
                // We did not expect this event in this state. Report error to application.
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    static void on_rw_authorize_request(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_t * p_gatts_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_rw_authorize_request_t * p_auth_req = &p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request;
        if (p_auth_req->type == BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE)
            if (   (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_NOW)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_CANCEL)
                if (p_auth_req->request.write.handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
                    on_racp_value_write(p_gls, &p_auth_req->request.write);
    void ble_gls_on_ble_evt(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle;
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("\r\nSetting sustain to off 3.\r\n");
            	nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIO_SUSTAIN, false); 	//turning off sustain powers down GMA3
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE");
                on_write(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
            case BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE:
                NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_GLS event recd: BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE");
                on_tx_complete(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST");
                on_rw_authorize_request(p_gls, &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt);
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC");
                on_hvc(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                // No implementation needed.
    uint32_t ble_gls_glucose_new_meas(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
    	p_rec->meas.sequence_number = m_next_seq_num++;//7/13/17, todo: replace with call to get seqnum from future db !
        return ble_gls_db_record_add(p_rec);

  • Attaching 3rd fix file to use a sleep to prevent issues, with prior fix commented out that prevents retries 99% not needed, but a few are needed.

    See line 972 commented out, and added 20ms sleep.

    Just ignore all else, and use the 3rd file to see what is needed. I hope a better fix can be done instead of the sleep which hides the issue. Maybe this was why this code was never completed to send meas contexts !

    Latest code here:

    * File   :	ble_gls.c
    * Revision History:
    *  Date:	By:		Description:
    *  4/19/16	dlc		initial, chg m_next_seq_num to global
    * 12/09/16  dlc     added printf, support for it
    * 07/11/17  dlc     removed printf's not needed
    * 07/13/17  dlc     reinserted seqnum cmtd out earlier, future: replace with seqnum from db !
    * 08/10/17  dlc     chg m_racp_proc_record data point from 8bit to 16bit to retrieve more than 255 records.
    * 02/23/18  dlc     fix first/last RACP sending logic endless loop
    * 06/22/18  dlc     fix logic after sd_ble_gatts_hvx calls that never completes sending char notification, see lines 716-721 and 729-732
    * 06/25/18  dlc     fixed resending too many records when RACP sends ALL records and gets error: BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS.
    *                   fixed by incrementing record counter called: m_racp_proc_record_ndx, see line 971
    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
     * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
     * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
     * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
     * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
     * the file.
    /* Attention!
    *  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA�s Bluetooth profile
    *  qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.
    #include "sdk_config.h" //dlc added
    #include "sdk_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #include "ble_racp.h"
    #include "ble_srv_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls_db.h"
    #include "nrf_log.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    #include "../../../examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_gls/Common_definitions.h"
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM     0x01                                     /**< Filter data using Sequence Number criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME 0x02                                     /**< Filter data using User Facing Time criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START   0x07                                     /**< Start of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_END     0xFF                                     /**< End of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPCODE_LENGTH 1                                                          /**< Length of opcode inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define HANDLE_LENGTH 2                                                          /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH)        /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    //#define BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT          23																		 /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    //#define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH) /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    #define GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS   BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 0 /**< Reply when a requested procedure is already in progress. */
    #define GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 1 /**< Reply when the a s CCCD is improperly configured. */
    /**@brief Glucose Service communication state. */
    typedef enum
        STATE_NO_COMM,                                                     /**< The service is not in a communicating state. */
        STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE,                                            /**< Processing requested data. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING,                                       /**< There is a RACP indication waiting to be sent. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF                                      /**< Waiting for a verification of a RACP indication. */
    } gls_state_t;
    static gls_state_t      m_gls_state;                                   /**< Current communication state. */
    //was: static uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    static uint8_t          m_racp_proc_operator;                          /**< Operator of current request. */
    static uint16_t         m_racp_proc_seq_num;                           /**< Sequence number of current request. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_record_ndx;                        /**< Current record index. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported;                  /**< Number of reported records. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete; /**< Number of reported records since last TX_COMPLETE event. */
    static ble_racp_value_t m_pending_racp_response;                       /**< RACP response to be sent. */
    static uint8_t          m_pending_racp_response_operand[2];            /**< Operand of RACP response to be sent. */
    /**@brief Function for setting the GLS communication state.
     * @param[in] new_state  New communication state.
    static void state_set(gls_state_t new_state)
        m_gls_state = new_state;
    /**@brief Function for setting the next sequence number by reading the last record in the data base.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization of service, otherwise an error code.
    //static uint32_t next_sequence_number_set(void)
    //    uint16_t      num_records;
    //    ble_gls_rec_t rec;
    //    num_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
    //    if (num_records > 0)
    //    {
    //        // Get last record
    //        uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_records - 1, &rec);
    //        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //        {
    //            return err_code;
    //        }
    //        m_next_seq_num = rec.meas.sequence_number + 1;
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        m_next_seq_num = 0;
    //    }
    //    return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas            Measurement to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded measurement is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_meas_encode(const ble_gls_meas_t * p_meas, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        len += ble_date_time_encode(&p_meas->base_time, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_TIME_OFFSET)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->time_offset, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONC_TYPE_LOC)
            uint16_t encoded_concentration;
            encoded_concentration = ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (p_meas->sample_location << 4) | (p_meas->type & 0x0F);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_SENSOR_STATUS)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sensor_status_annunciation, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas_ctx        Context to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded context is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_ctx_encode(const ble_gls_meas_context_t * p_meas_ctx, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXT)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->extended_flags;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_CARB)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
            uint16_t encoded_carbohydrate_id;
            encoded_carbohydrate_id = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MEAL)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->meal;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_TESTER)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->tester_and_health;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXERCISE)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->exercise_duration , &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->exercise_intensity;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->medication_id;
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_KG)
                uint16_t encoded_medication;
                encoded_medication = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication >> 8);
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_L)
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
                uint16_t encoded_concentration;
                encoded_concentration = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_HBA1C)
            uint16_t encoded_hba1c;
            encoded_hba1c = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c >> 8);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_measurement_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        //ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value2;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        //ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid2;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        //uint8_t             encoded_gls_measContext[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
       // memset(&attr_char_value2, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value2));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //    attr_char_value2.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid2;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
    //    //attr_char_value2.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.context, encoded_gls_measContext);
    //    attr_char_value2.init_len  = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.init_offs = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_value   = encoded_gls_measContext;
    //    return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //                                           &char_md,
    //                                           &attr_char_value2,
    //                                           &p_gls->glm_context_handles);
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_context_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose feature.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_feature_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        uint8_t             encoded_initial_feature[2];
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
     = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf        = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md   = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md        = NULL;
        char_md.p_sccd_md        = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 0;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        encoded_initial_feature[0] = (uint8_t)(p_gls->feature);
        encoded_initial_feature[1] = (uint8_t)((p_gls->feature) >> 8);
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_initial_feature;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a record access control point.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t record_access_control_point_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.indicate = 1;
        char_md.char_props.write    = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc    = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf           = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md      = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md           = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md           = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 1;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = 0;
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF;
        //attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT; //Scott
        attr_char_value.p_value   = 0;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    uint32_t ble_gls_init(ble_gls_t * p_gls, const ble_gls_init_t * p_gls_init)
        uint32_t   err_code;
        ble_uuid_t ble_uuid;
        // Initialize data base
        err_code = ble_gls_db_init();
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        //was managed, now PL managd
    //    err_code = next_sequence_number_set();
    //    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //    {
    //        return err_code;
    //    }
        // Initialize service structure
        p_gls->evt_handler          = p_gls_init->evt_handler;
        p_gls->error_handler        = p_gls_init->error_handler;
        p_gls->feature              = p_gls_init->feature;
        p_gls->is_context_supported = p_gls_init->is_context_supported;
        p_gls->conn_handle          = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
        // Initialize global variables
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        // Add service
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add(BLE_GATTS_SRVC_TYPE_PRIMARY, &ble_uuid, &p_gls->service_handle);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_measurement_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_context_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement feature characteristic
        err_code = glucose_feature_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add record control access point characteristic
        err_code = record_access_control_point_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for sending a response from the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls       Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_val  RACP value to be sent.
    static void racp_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_val)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_resp[25];
        uint8_t                len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        if (
            (m_gls_state != STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            (m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete > 0)
        // Send indication
        len     = ble_racp_encode(p_racp_val, encoded_resp);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof(hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_INDICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_resp;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        // Error handling
        if ((err_code == NRF_SUCCESS) && (hvx_len != len))
            err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
        switch (err_code)
            case NRF_SUCCESS:
                // Wait for HVC event
            case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to retry transmission
            case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
                // Report error to application
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for sending a RACP response containing a Response Code Op Code and a Response Code Value.
     * @param[in] p_gls   Service instance.
     * @param[in] opcode  RACP Op Code.
     * @param[in] value   RACP Response Code Value.
    static void racp_response_code_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t value)
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_RESPONSE_CODE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = 2;
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = opcode;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = value;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for sending a glucose measurement/context.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_rec  Measurement to be sent.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_meas_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_glm[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint16_t               len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send start.\r\n");
        len     = gls_meas_encode(&p_rec->meas, encoded_glm);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (hvx_len != len)
                err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send1.\r\n");
                return err_code; //moved to here
    //        else
    //        {
    //            return err_code; //move to above, exit on error ! Otherwise continue and send notif
    //        }
            p_rec->context.sequence_number = p_rec->meas.sequence_number;
            len     = gls_ctx_encode(&p_rec->context, encoded_glm);
            hvx_len = len;
            memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
            hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_context_handles.value_handle;
            hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
            hvx_params.offset = 0;
            hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
            hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
            if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (hvx_len != len)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send2.\r\n");
                    return NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
    //            else
    //            {
    //            	return err_code; //bad, removed, returns when no error !
    //            }
                // Measurement successfully sent
            return err_code;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the ALL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_all(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx >= total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("ble_gls_db_record_get error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("ALL send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the FIRST or the LAST operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return  NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_first_last(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t      err_code;
        ble_gls_rec_t rec;
        uint16_t      total_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if ((m_racp_proc_records_reported != 0) || (total_records == 0))
            //NRF_LOG_INFO("got 1st/last rec already, set state.\r\n");
            if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(0, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            else if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(total_records - 1, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("First/Last send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the GREATER_OR_EQUAL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        while (m_racp_proc_record_ndx < total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
            if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= m_racp_proc_seq_num)
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx == total_records)
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for informing that the REPORT RECORDS procedure is completed.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_completed(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint8_t resp_code_value;
        if (m_racp_proc_records_reported > 0)
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_NO_RECORDS_FOUND;
        racp_response_code_send(p_gls, RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS, resp_code_value);
    /**@brief Function for the RACP report records procedure.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_procedure(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t firstlast = 0;
        while (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
            // Execute requested procedure
            switch (m_racp_proc_operator)
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                	nrf_delay_ms(20); //pause to avoid tx buffer wait for TX complete, which causes issues, since good sends are called errors, causing resends
                    err_code = racp_report_records_all(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                	firstlast = 1;
                    err_code = racp_report_records_first_last(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    err_code = racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(p_gls);
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
            // Error handling
            switch (err_code)
                case NRF_SUCCESS:
                    if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                    	if (firstlast == 1)
                            NRF_LOG_INFO("m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            		//this fix stops all retries, but some may be needed, use sleep instead:
                	//m_racp_proc_record_ndx++; //added to fix retries not needed
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS: m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                    // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to resume transmission
                case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                    // Notification is probably not enabled. Ignore request.
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for testing if the received request is to be executed.
     * @param[in]  p_racp_request   Request to be checked.
     * @param[out] p_response_code  Response code to be sent in case the request is rejected.
     *                              RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED is returned if the received message is
     *                              to be rejected without sending a response.
     * @return TRUE if the request is to be executed, FALSE if it is to be rejected.
     *         If it is to be rejected, p_response_code will contain the response code to be
     *         returned to the central.
    static bool is_request_to_be_executed(const ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request,
                                          uint8_t                * p_response_code)
        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED;
        if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_ABORT_OPERATION)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                if (p_racp_request->operator != RACP_OPERATOR_NULL)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
                else if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
                *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_ABORT_FAILED;
        else if (m_gls_state != STATE_NO_COMM)
            return false;
        // Supported opcodes.
        else if ((p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS) ||
                 (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS))
            switch (p_racp_request->operator)
                // Operators WITHOUT a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                    if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Operators WITH a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM)
                        if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 3)
                            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] >= OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Unsupported operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_RANGE:
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                // Invalid operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_NULL:
                    if (p_racp_request->operator >= RACP_OPERATOR_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
        // Unsupported opcodes,
        else if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_DELETE_RECS)
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // Unknown opcodes.
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // NOTE: The computation of the return value will change slightly when deferred write has been
        //       implemented in the stack.
        return (*p_response_code == RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED);
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
        m_racp_proc_record_ndx       = 0;
        m_racp_proc_operator         = p_racp_request->operator;
        m_racp_proc_records_reported = 0;
        m_racp_proc_seq_num          = seq_num;
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT NUM RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_num_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t total_records;
        uint16_t num_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        num_records   = 0;
        if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_ALL)
            num_records = total_records;
        else if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)
            uint16_t seq_num;
            uint16_t i;
            seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
            for (i = 0; i < total_records; i++)
                uint32_t      err_code;
                ble_gls_rec_t rec;
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(i, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= seq_num)
        else if ((p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST) ||
                 (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST))
            if (total_records > 0)
                num_records = 1;
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_NUM_RECS_RESPONSE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = sizeof(uint16_t);
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = num_records & 0xFF;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = num_records >> 8;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for checking if the CCCDs are configured.
     * @param[in] p_gls                  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_are_cccd_configured  boolean indicating if both cccds are configured
    uint32_t ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(ble_gls_t * p_gls, bool * p_are_cccd_configured)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t  cccd_value_buf[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN];
        bool     is_glm_notif_enabled  = false;
        bool     is_racp_indic_enabled = false;
        ble_gatts_value_t gatts_value;
        // Initialize value struct.
        memset(&gatts_value, 0, sizeof(gatts_value));
        gatts_value.len     = BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN;
        gatts_value.offset  = 0;
        gatts_value.p_value = cccd_value_buf;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    return err_code;
    is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
    err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_racp_indic_enabled = ble_srv_is_indication_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        if (is_racp_indic_enabled & is_glm_notif_enabled)
            *p_are_cccd_configured = true;
            *p_are_cccd_configured = false;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for handling a write event to the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_racp_value_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        ble_racp_value_t                      racp_request;
        uint8_t                               response_code;
        ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply_params_t auth_reply;
        bool                                  are_cccd_configured;
        uint32_t                              err_code;
        auth_reply.type                = BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE;
        auth_reply.params.write.offset = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.len    = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.p_data = NULL;
        err_code = ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(p_gls, &are_cccd_configured);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        if (!are_cccd_configured)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        // Decode request.
        ble_racp_decode(p_evt_write->len, p_evt_write->data, &racp_request);
        // Check if request is to be executed.
        if (is_request_to_be_executed(&racp_request, &response_code))
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Execute request.
            if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS)
                report_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
            else if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS)
                report_num_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
        else if (response_code != RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Abort any running procedure.
            // Respond with error code.
            racp_response_code_send(p_gls, racp_request.opcode, response_code);
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    /**@brief Function for handling the Glucose measurement CCCD write event.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_glm_cccd_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        if (p_evt_write->len == 2)
            // CCCD written, update notification state
            ble_gls_evt_t evt;
            if (ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(p_evt_write->data))
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED;
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED;
            if (p_gls->evt_handler != NULL)
                p_gls->evt_handler(p_gls, &evt);
    /**@brief Function for handling the WRITE event.
     * @details Handles WRITE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write;
        if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->glm_handles.cccd_handle)
            on_glm_cccd_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
        else if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            on_racp_value_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
    /**@brief Function for handling the TX_COMPLETE event.
     * @details Handles TX_COMPLETE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_tx_complete(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
        else if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
    /**@brief Function for handling the HVC event.
     * @details Handles HVC events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_hvc(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_hvc_t * p_hvc = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvc;
        if (p_hvc->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF)
                // Indication has been acknowledged. Return to default state.
                // We did not expect this event in this state. Report error to application.
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    static void on_rw_authorize_request(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_t * p_gatts_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_rw_authorize_request_t * p_auth_req = &p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request;
        if (p_auth_req->type == BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE)
            if (   (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_NOW)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_CANCEL)
                if (p_auth_req->request.write.handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
                    on_racp_value_write(p_gls, &p_auth_req->request.write);
    void ble_gls_on_ble_evt(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle;
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("\r\nSetting sustain to off 3.\r\n");
            	nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIO_SUSTAIN, false); 	//turning off sustain powers down GMA3
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE");
                on_write(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
            case BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE:
                NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_GLS event recd: BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE");
                on_tx_complete(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST");
                on_rw_authorize_request(p_gls, &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt);
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC");
                on_hvc(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                // No implementation needed.
    uint32_t ble_gls_glucose_new_meas(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
    	p_rec->meas.sequence_number = m_next_seq_num++;//7/13/17, todo: replace with call to get seqnum from future db !
        return ble_gls_db_record_add(p_rec);

  • Attaching an updated fixed file.

    fixed missing records when RACP sends ALL records and gets error: BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS, by adding return after each send  and then continuing after BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE event received, and added a 50ms sleep. Updated to only send context when context present.

    * File   :	ble_gls.c
    * Revision History:
    *  Date:	By:		Description:
    *  4/19/16	dlc		initial, chg m_next_seq_num to global
    * 12/09/16  dlc     added printf, support for it
    * 07/11/17  dlc     removed printf's not needed
    * 07/13/17  dlc     reinserted seqnum cmtd out earlier, future: replace with seqnum from db !
    * 08/10/17  dlc     chg m_racp_proc_record data point from 8bit to 16bit to retrieve more than 255 records.
    * 02/23/18  dlc     fix first/last RACP sending logic endless loop
    * 06/22/18  dlc     fix logic after sd_ble_gatts_hvx calls that never completes sending char notification, see lines 716-721 and 729-732
    * 06/25/18  dlc     fixed resending too many records when RACP sends ALL records and gets error: BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS.
    *                   fixed by incrementing record counter called: m_racp_proc_record_ndx, see line 971
    * 06/26/18  dlc     fixed missing records when RACP sends ALL records and gets error: BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS, by adding return after each send
    *                   and then continuing after BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE event received, and added a 50ms sleep.
    * 06/27/18  dlc     using BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONTEXT_INFO flag, don't send context notification if not present in p_rec->.meas.flags
    /* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
     * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
     * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
     * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
     * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
     * the file.
    /* Attention!
    *  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA�s Bluetooth profile
    *  qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.
    #include "sdk_config.h" //dlc added
    #include "sdk_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #include "ble_racp.h"
    #include "ble_srv_common.h"
    #include "ble_gls_db.h"
    #include "nrf_log.h"
    #include "nrf_delay.h"
    #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    #include "../../../examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_gls/Common_definitions.h"
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM     0x01                                     /**< Filter data using Sequence Number criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME 0x02                                     /**< Filter data using User Facing Time criteria. */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START   0x07                                     /**< Start of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_END     0xFF                                     /**< End of filter types reserved For Future Use range */
    #define OPCODE_LENGTH 1                                                          /**< Length of opcode inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define HANDLE_LENGTH 2                                                          /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    #define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH)        /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    //#define BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT          23																		 /**< Length of handle inside Glucose Measurement packet. */
    //#define MAX_GLM_LEN   (BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT - OPCODE_LENGTH - HANDLE_LENGTH) /**< Maximum size of a transmitted Glucose Measurement. */
    #define GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS   BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 0 /**< Reply when a requested procedure is already in progress. */
    #define GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 1 /**< Reply when the a s CCCD is improperly configured. */
    /**@brief Glucose Service communication state. */
    typedef enum
        STATE_NO_COMM,                                                     /**< The service is not in a communicating state. */
        STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE,                                            /**< Processing requested data. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING,                                       /**< There is a RACP indication waiting to be sent. */
        STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF                                      /**< Waiting for a verification of a RACP indication. */
    } gls_state_t;
    static gls_state_t      m_gls_state;                                   /**< Current communication state. */
    //was: static uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    uint16_t         m_next_seq_num;                                /**< Sequence number of the next database record. */
    static uint8_t          m_racp_proc_operator;                          /**< Operator of current request. */
    static uint16_t         m_racp_proc_seq_num;                           /**< Sequence number of current request. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_record_ndx;                        /**< Current record index. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported;                  /**< Number of reported records. */
    static uint16_t          m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete; /**< Number of reported records since last TX_COMPLETE event. */
    static ble_racp_value_t m_pending_racp_response;                       /**< RACP response to be sent. */
    static uint8_t          m_pending_racp_response_operand[2];            /**< Operand of RACP response to be sent. */
    /**@brief Function for setting the GLS communication state.
     * @param[in] new_state  New communication state.
    static void state_set(gls_state_t new_state)
        m_gls_state = new_state;
    /**@brief Function for setting the next sequence number by reading the last record in the data base.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on successful initialization of service, otherwise an error code.
    //static uint32_t next_sequence_number_set(void)
    //    uint16_t      num_records;
    //    ble_gls_rec_t rec;
    //    num_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
    //    if (num_records > 0)
    //    {
    //        // Get last record
    //        uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_records - 1, &rec);
    //        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //        {
    //            return err_code;
    //        }
    //        m_next_seq_num = rec.meas.sequence_number + 1;
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        m_next_seq_num = 0;
    //    }
    //    return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas            Measurement to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded measurement is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_meas_encode(const ble_gls_meas_t * p_meas, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        len += ble_date_time_encode(&p_meas->base_time, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_TIME_OFFSET)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->time_offset, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONC_TYPE_LOC)
            uint16_t encoded_concentration;
            encoded_concentration = ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas->glucose_concentration.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (p_meas->sample_location << 4) | (p_meas->type & 0x0F);
        if (p_meas->flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_SENSOR_STATUS)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas->sensor_status_annunciation, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for encoding a Glucose measurement.
     * @param[in]  p_meas_ctx        Context to be encoded.
     * @param[out] p_encoded_buffer  Pointer to buffer where the encoded context is to be stored.
     * @return Size of encoded measurement.
    static uint8_t gls_ctx_encode(const ble_gls_meas_context_t * p_meas_ctx, uint8_t * p_encoded_buffer)
        uint8_t len = 0;
        p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->flags;
        len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->sequence_number, &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXT)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->extended_flags;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_CARB)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
            uint16_t encoded_carbohydrate_id;
            encoded_carbohydrate_id = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_carbohydrate_id >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MEAL)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->meal;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_TESTER)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->tester_and_health;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_EXERCISE)
            len += uint16_encode(p_meas_ctx->exercise_duration , &p_encoded_buffer[len]);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->exercise_intensity;
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED)
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->medication_id;
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_KG)
                uint16_t encoded_medication;
                encoded_medication = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_medication >> 8);
            if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_MED_L)
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate_id;
                uint16_t encoded_concentration;
                encoded_concentration = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                        ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration);
                p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_concentration >> 8);
        if (p_meas_ctx->flags & BLE_GLS_CONTEXT_FLAG_HBA1C)
            uint16_t encoded_hba1c;
            encoded_hba1c = ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.exponent << 12) & 0xF000) |
                                    ((p_meas_ctx->carbohydrate.mantissa <<  0) & 0x0FFF);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c);
            p_encoded_buffer[len++] = (uint8_t)(encoded_hba1c >> 8);
        return len;
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_measurement_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        //ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value2;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        //ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid2;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        //uint8_t             encoded_gls_measContext[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
       // memset(&attr_char_value2, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value2));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //    attr_char_value2.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid2;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
    //    //attr_char_value2.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.context, encoded_gls_measContext);
    //    attr_char_value2.init_len  = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.init_offs = 0;
    //    attr_char_value2.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
    //    attr_char_value2.p_value   = encoded_gls_measContext;
    //    return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    //                                           &char_md,
    //                                           &attr_char_value2,
    //                                           &p_gls->glm_context_handles);
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose measurement.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_context_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        ble_gls_rec_t       initial_gls_rec_value;
        uint8_t             encoded_gls_meas[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint8_t             num_recs;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.notify = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc  = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf         = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md    = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md         = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md         = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        memset(&initial_gls_rec_value, 0, sizeof(initial_gls_rec_value));
        num_recs = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (num_recs > 0)
            uint32_t err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(num_recs - 1, &initial_gls_rec_value);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = gls_meas_encode(&initial_gls_rec_value.meas, encoded_gls_meas);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = MAX_GLM_LEN;
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_gls_meas;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a glucose feature.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_feature_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        uint8_t             encoded_initial_feature[2];
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
     = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf        = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md   = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md        = NULL;
        char_md.p_sccd_md        = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 0;
        attr_md.vlen    = 0;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        encoded_initial_feature[0] = (uint8_t)(p_gls->feature);
        encoded_initial_feature[1] = (uint8_t)((p_gls->feature) >> 8);
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = sizeof (uint16_t);
        attr_char_value.p_value   = encoded_initial_feature;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    /**@brief Function for adding the characteristic for a record access control point.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS if characteristic was successfully added, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t record_access_control_point_char_add(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
        ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
        ble_uuid_t          ble_uuid;
        ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
        cccd_md.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
        char_md.char_props.indicate = 1;
        char_md.char_props.write    = 1;
        char_md.p_char_user_desc    = NULL;
        char_md.p_char_pf           = NULL;
        char_md.p_user_desc_md      = NULL;
        char_md.p_cccd_md           = &cccd_md;
        char_md.p_sccd_md           = NULL;
        memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
        attr_md.vloc    = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
        attr_md.rd_auth = 0;
        attr_md.wr_auth = 1;
        attr_md.vlen    = 1;
        memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
        attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &ble_uuid;
        attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
        attr_char_value.init_len  = 0;
        attr_char_value.init_offs = 0;
        attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_L2CAP_MTU_DEF;
        //attr_char_value.max_len   = BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT; //Scott
        attr_char_value.p_value   = 0;
        return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(p_gls->service_handle,
    uint32_t ble_gls_init(ble_gls_t * p_gls, const ble_gls_init_t * p_gls_init)
        uint32_t   err_code;
        ble_uuid_t ble_uuid;
        // Initialize data base
        err_code = ble_gls_db_init();
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        //was managed, now PL managd
    //    err_code = next_sequence_number_set();
    //    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    //    {
    //        return err_code;
    //    }
        // Initialize service structure
        p_gls->evt_handler          = p_gls_init->evt_handler;
        p_gls->error_handler        = p_gls_init->error_handler;
        p_gls->feature              = p_gls_init->feature;
        p_gls->is_context_supported = p_gls_init->is_context_supported;
        p_gls->conn_handle          = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
        // Initialize global variables
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        // Add service
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_service_add(BLE_GATTS_SRVC_TYPE_PRIMARY, &ble_uuid, &p_gls->service_handle);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_measurement_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement characteristic
        err_code = glucose_context_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add glucose measurement feature characteristic
        err_code = glucose_feature_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        // Add record control access point characteristic
        err_code = record_access_control_point_char_add(p_gls);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for sending a response from the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls       Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_val  RACP value to be sent.
    static void racp_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_val)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_resp[25];
        uint8_t                len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        if (
            (m_gls_state != STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            (m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete > 0)
        // Send indication
        len     = ble_racp_encode(p_racp_val, encoded_resp);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof(hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_INDICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_resp;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        // Error handling
        if ((err_code == NRF_SUCCESS) && (hvx_len != len))
            err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
        switch (err_code)
            case NRF_SUCCESS:
                // Wait for HVC event
            case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to retry transmission
            case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
                // Report error to application
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for sending a RACP response containing a Response Code Op Code and a Response Code Value.
     * @param[in] p_gls   Service instance.
     * @param[in] opcode  RACP Op Code.
     * @param[in] value   RACP Response Code Value.
    static void racp_response_code_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t value)
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_RESPONSE_CODE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = 2;
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = opcode;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = value;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for sending a glucose measurement/context.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_rec  Measurement to be sent.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t glucose_meas_send(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
        uint32_t               err_code;
        uint8_t                encoded_glm[MAX_GLM_LEN];
        uint16_t               len;
        uint16_t               hvx_len;
        ble_gatts_hvx_params_t hvx_params;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send start.\r\n");
        len     = gls_meas_encode(&p_rec->meas, encoded_glm);
        hvx_len = len;
        memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
        hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_handles.value_handle;
        hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
        hvx_params.offset = 0;
        hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
        hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
        if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (hvx_len != len)
                err_code = NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send1.\r\n");
                return err_code; //moved to here
    //        else
    //        {
    //            return err_code; //move to above, exit on error ! Otherwise continue and send notif
    //        }
            //test if context flag present, else bail
            if ((p_rec->meas.flags & BLE_GLS_MEAS_FLAG_CONTEXT_INFO) != 0x10)
            	return NRF_SUCCESS;
            p_rec->context.sequence_number = p_rec->meas.sequence_number;
            len     = gls_ctx_encode(&p_rec->context, encoded_glm);
            hvx_len = len;
            memset(&hvx_params, 0, sizeof (hvx_params));
            hvx_params.handle = p_gls->glm_context_handles.value_handle;
            hvx_params.type   = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION;
            hvx_params.offset = 0;
            hvx_params.p_len  = &hvx_len;
            hvx_params.p_data = encoded_glm;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_hvx(p_gls->conn_handle, &hvx_params);
            if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (hvx_len != len)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send err code= NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE send2.\r\n");
                    return NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE;
    //            else
    //            {
    //            	return err_code; //bad, removed, returns when no error !
    //            }
                // Measurement successfully sent
            return err_code;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the ALL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_all(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx >= total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("ble_gls_db_record_get error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            	NRF_LOG_INFO("glucose_meas_send error:%d\r\n",err_code);
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("ALL send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the FIRST or the LAST operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return  NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_first_last(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t      err_code;
        ble_gls_rec_t rec;
        uint16_t      total_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        if ((m_racp_proc_records_reported != 0) || (total_records == 0))
            //NRF_LOG_INFO("got 1st/last rec already, set state.\r\n");
            if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(0, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            else if (m_racp_proc_operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST)
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(total_records - 1, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
            err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
        //NRF_LOG_INFO("First/Last send OK.\r\n");
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for responding to the GREATER_OR_EQUAL operation.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
     * @return NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code.
    static uint32_t racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint16_t total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        while (m_racp_proc_record_ndx < total_records)
            uint32_t      err_code;
            ble_gls_rec_t rec;
            err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(m_racp_proc_record_ndx, &rec);
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                return err_code;
            if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= m_racp_proc_seq_num)
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
                err_code = glucose_meas_send(p_gls, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    return err_code;
        if (m_racp_proc_record_ndx == total_records)
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for informing that the REPORT RECORDS procedure is completed.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_completed(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint8_t resp_code_value;
        if (m_racp_proc_records_reported > 0)
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
            resp_code_value = RACP_RESPONSE_NO_RECORDS_FOUND;
        racp_response_code_send(p_gls, RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS, resp_code_value);
    /**@brief Function for the RACP report records procedure.
     * @param[in] p_gls  Service instance.
    static void racp_report_records_procedure(ble_gls_t * p_gls)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t firstlast = 0;
        while (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
            // Execute requested procedure
            switch (m_racp_proc_operator)
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                	nrf_delay_ms(50); //sleep to avoid tx buffer wait for TX complete, which causes issues, since good sends are called errors, causing resends
                    err_code = racp_report_records_all(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                	firstlast = 1;
                    err_code = racp_report_records_first_last(p_gls);
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    err_code = racp_report_records_greater_or_equal(p_gls);
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
            // Error handling
            switch (err_code)
                case NRF_SUCCESS:
                    if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                    	if (firstlast == 1)
                            NRF_LOG_INFO("m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                            return; //wait for BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE event to proceed
                case BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS:
            		//this fix stops all retries, but some may be needed ? test:
                	m_racp_proc_record_ndx++; //added to fix retries not needed
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS: m_racp_proc_record_ndx = %d.\r\n", m_racp_proc_record_ndx);
                case NRF_ERROR_RESOURCES:
                    // Wait for TX_COMPLETE event to resume transmission
                case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE:
                    // Notification is probably not enabled. Ignore request.
                    // Report error to application
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                    // Make sure state machine returns to the default state
    /**@brief Function for testing if the received request is to be executed.
     * @param[in]  p_racp_request   Request to be checked.
     * @param[out] p_response_code  Response code to be sent in case the request is rejected.
     *                              RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED is returned if the received message is
     *                              to be rejected without sending a response.
     * @return TRUE if the request is to be executed, FALSE if it is to be rejected.
     *         If it is to be rejected, p_response_code will contain the response code to be
     *         returned to the central.
    static bool is_request_to_be_executed(const ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request,
                                          uint8_t                * p_response_code)
        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED;
        if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_ABORT_OPERATION)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
                if (p_racp_request->operator != RACP_OPERATOR_NULL)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
                else if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS;
                *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_ABORT_FAILED;
        else if (m_gls_state != STATE_NO_COMM)
            return false;
        // Supported opcodes.
        else if ((p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS) ||
                 (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS))
            switch (p_racp_request->operator)
                // Operators WITHOUT a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_ALL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LAST:
                    if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 0)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Operators WITH a filter.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
                    if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_SEQ_NUM)
                        if (p_racp_request->operand_len != 3)
                            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] == OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_FACING_TIME)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                    else if (p_racp_request->p_operand[0] >= OPERAND_FILTER_TYPE_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERAND;
                // Unsupported operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
                case RACP_OPERATOR_RANGE:
                    *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                // Invalid operators.
                case RACP_OPERATOR_NULL:
                    if (p_racp_request->operator >= RACP_OPERATOR_RFU_START)
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPERATOR_UNSUPPORTED;
                        *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OPERATOR;
        // Unsupported opcodes,
        else if (p_racp_request->opcode == RACP_OPCODE_DELETE_RECS)
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // Unknown opcodes.
            *p_response_code = RACP_RESPONSE_OPCODE_UNSUPPORTED;
        // NOTE: The computation of the return value will change slightly when deferred write has been
        //       implemented in the stack.
        return (*p_response_code == RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED);
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
        m_racp_proc_record_ndx       = 0;
        m_racp_proc_operator         = p_racp_request->operator;
        m_racp_proc_records_reported = 0;
        m_racp_proc_seq_num          = seq_num;
    /**@brief Function for processing a REPORT NUM RECORDS request.
     * @param[in] p_gls           Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_racp_request  Request to be executed.
    static void report_num_records_request_execute(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_racp_value_t * p_racp_request)
        uint16_t total_records;
        uint16_t num_records;
        total_records = ble_gls_db_num_records_get();
        num_records   = 0;
        if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_ALL)
            num_records = total_records;
        else if (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL)
            uint16_t seq_num;
            uint16_t i;
            seq_num = (p_racp_request->p_operand[2] << 8) | p_racp_request->p_operand[1];
            for (i = 0; i < total_records; i++)
                uint32_t      err_code;
                ble_gls_rec_t rec;
                err_code = ble_gls_db_record_get(i, &rec);
                if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                    if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
                if (rec.meas.sequence_number >= seq_num)
        else if ((p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_FIRST) ||
                 (p_racp_request->operator == RACP_OPERATOR_LAST))
            if (total_records > 0)
                num_records = 1;
        m_pending_racp_response.opcode      = RACP_OPCODE_NUM_RECS_RESPONSE;
        m_pending_racp_response.operator    = RACP_OPERATOR_NULL;
        m_pending_racp_response.operand_len = sizeof(uint16_t);
        m_pending_racp_response.p_operand   = m_pending_racp_response_operand;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[0] = num_records & 0xFF;
        m_pending_racp_response_operand[1] = num_records >> 8;
        racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
    /**@brief Function for checking if the CCCDs are configured.
     * @param[in] p_gls                  Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_are_cccd_configured  boolean indicating if both cccds are configured
    uint32_t ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(ble_gls_t * p_gls, bool * p_are_cccd_configured)
        uint32_t err_code;
        uint8_t  cccd_value_buf[BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN];
        bool     is_glm_notif_enabled  = false;
        bool     is_racp_indic_enabled = false;
        ble_gatts_value_t gatts_value;
        // Initialize value struct.
        memset(&gatts_value, 0, sizeof(gatts_value));
        gatts_value.len     = BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN;
        gatts_value.offset  = 0;
        gatts_value.p_value = cccd_value_buf;
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
    if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
    return err_code;
    is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
    err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_glm_notif_enabled = ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        err_code = sd_ble_gatts_value_get(p_gls->conn_handle,
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            return err_code;
        is_racp_indic_enabled = ble_srv_is_indication_enabled(cccd_value_buf);
        if (is_racp_indic_enabled & is_glm_notif_enabled)
            *p_are_cccd_configured = true;
            *p_are_cccd_configured = false;
        return NRF_SUCCESS;
    /**@brief Function for handling a write event to the Record Access Control Point.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_racp_value_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        ble_racp_value_t                      racp_request;
        uint8_t                               response_code;
        ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply_params_t auth_reply;
        bool                                  are_cccd_configured;
        uint32_t                              err_code;
        auth_reply.type                = BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE;
        auth_reply.params.write.offset = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.len    = 0;
        auth_reply.params.write.p_data = NULL;
        err_code = ble_gls_are_cccd_configured(p_gls, &are_cccd_configured);
        if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
            if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        if (!are_cccd_configured)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_CCCD_IMPROPERLY_CONFIGURED;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
        // Decode request.
        ble_racp_decode(p_evt_write->len, p_evt_write->data, &racp_request);
        // Check if request is to be executed.
        if (is_request_to_be_executed(&racp_request, &response_code))
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Execute request.
            if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_RECS)
                report_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
            else if (racp_request.opcode == RACP_OPCODE_REPORT_NUM_RECS)
                report_num_records_request_execute(p_gls, &racp_request);
        else if (response_code != RACP_RESPONSE_RESERVED)
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = BLE_GATT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            auth_reply.params.write.update      = 1;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
            // Abort any running procedure.
            // Respond with error code.
            racp_response_code_send(p_gls, racp_request.opcode, response_code);
            auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = GLS_NACK_PROC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
            err_code                            = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_gls->conn_handle,
            if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS)
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    /**@brief Function for handling the Glucose measurement CCCD write event.
     * @param[in] p_gls        Service instance.
     * @param[in] p_evt_write  WRITE event to be handled.
    static void on_glm_cccd_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write)
        if (p_evt_write->len == 2)
            // CCCD written, update notification state
            ble_gls_evt_t evt;
            if (ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(p_evt_write->data))
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED;
                evt.evt_type = BLE_GLS_EVT_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED;
            if (p_gls->evt_handler != NULL)
                p_gls->evt_handler(p_gls, &evt);
    /**@brief Function for handling the WRITE event.
     * @details Handles WRITE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_write(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_write_t * p_evt_write = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write;
        if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->glm_handles.cccd_handle)
            on_glm_cccd_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
        else if (p_evt_write->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            on_racp_value_write(p_gls, p_evt_write);
    /**@brief Function for handling the TX_COMPLETE event.
     * @details Handles TX_COMPLETE events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_tx_complete(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        m_racp_proc_records_reported_since_txcomplete = 0;
        if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_PENDING)
            racp_send(p_gls, &m_pending_racp_response);
        else if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_PROC_ACTIVE)
    /**@brief Function for handling the HVC event.
     * @details Handles HVC events from the BLE stack.
     * @param[in] p_gls      Glucose Service structure.
     * @param[in] p_ble_evt  Event received from the BLE stack.
    static void on_hvc(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_hvc_t * p_hvc = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvc;
        if (p_hvc->handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
            if (m_gls_state == STATE_RACP_RESPONSE_IND_VERIF)
                // Indication has been acknowledged. Return to default state.
                // We did not expect this event in this state. Report error to application.
                if (p_gls->error_handler != NULL)
    static void on_rw_authorize_request(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gatts_evt_t * p_gatts_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_rw_authorize_request_t * p_auth_req = &p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request;
        if (p_auth_req->type == BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE)
            if (   (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_NOW)
                && (p_gatts_evt->params.authorize_request.request.write.op
                    != BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_CANCEL)
                if (p_auth_req->request.write.handle == p_gls->racp_handles.value_handle)
                    on_racp_value_write(p_gls, &p_auth_req->request.write);
    void ble_gls_on_ble_evt(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle;
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED");
                p_gls->conn_handle = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID;
                NRF_LOG_INFO("\r\nSetting sustain to off 3.\r\n");
            	nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIO_SUSTAIN, false); 	//turning off sustain powers down GMA3
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE");
                on_write(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
            case BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("BLE_GLS event recd: BLE_EVT_TX_COMPLETE");
                on_tx_complete(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST");
                on_rw_authorize_request(p_gls, &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt);
            case BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC:
                //NRF_LOG_INFO("event recd: BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC");
                on_hvc(p_gls, p_ble_evt);
                // No implementation needed.
    uint32_t ble_gls_glucose_new_meas(ble_gls_t * p_gls, ble_gls_rec_t * p_rec)
    	p_rec->meas.sequence_number = m_next_seq_num++;//7/13/17, todo: replace with call to get seqnum from future db !
        return ble_gls_db_record_add(p_rec);
