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Unique Identifier for Bonds in Application Space

Working through a custom security implementation. It is to desirable to know a unique identifier for each bond that has been made with the nrf51822 SD. When the SD enters into an encrypted bond link with an authenticated central I would like to keep track of some application information specific to that bond. In my mind, the easiest way to do this is with a unique identifier.

Is there a unique identifier for the active bond that can be used in the application space?

  • I think you can try to use dm_whitelist_create() to get addresses/IRKs of all bonded devices and use this as UID.

    The only problem is this:

    Also, if this routine is called when a connection exists with one or more peer devices, those connected devices are not added to the whitelist.

    But I checked dm_whitelist_create() code and I don't see where does it exclude connected devices from the peers table.


    Aren't the number of entries in the white list fairly limited. Something like 2?

    Yes, it's limited, but up to 8:

    /**@brief Maximum amount of addresses in a whitelist. */
    /**@brief Maximum amount of IRKs in a whitelist.
     * @note  The number of IRKs is limited to 8, even if the hardware supports more.

    Well, you can just forget about this dm_whitelist_create() function and just directly use peers table:

    static peer_id_t
    m_peer_table[DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_BONDS]; /**< Table maintaining bonded devices' identification information, an instance is allocated in the table when a device is bonded and freed when bond information is deleted. */


    Though you can't get access to the m_peer_table without editing SDK files.

    But still with dm_whitelist_create() function you can get all the peers table info, because in dm_whitelist_create() there is no checks whatever or not requested number of addresses/IRKs is more then BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT/BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT, if you request from it DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_BONDS number of addresses/IRKs then it'll just give you all avaible peers addresses/IRKs.

    Just check dm_whitelist_create() code for yourself.

  • Aren't the number of entries in the white list fairly limited. Something like 2? Could you explain a little more about the use of the white list in general? I'm not sure I am seeing the entire picture yet .

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