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pstorage reading other values than writing


Maybe I'm doing something wrong (very possible), but for example, when I want to store array of 3 uint8_t values I use:

uint8_t dataToStore[3];
dataToStore[0] = 11;
dataToStore[1] = 22;
dataToStore[2] = 33;

retval = pstorage_store(&block_handle, dataToStore, 3 , 0);
	if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
			// Store successfully requested. Wait for operation result.
			// Failed to request store, take corrective action.

and when I want to read it from the memory to variable I use:

   retval = pstorage_block_identifier_get(&persistant_memory_handle, 0, &block_handle);
	if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
		uint8_t           dest_data[3];
		 //Request to read 3 bytes from block at an offset of 0 bytes.
		retval = pstorage_load(dest_data, &block_handle, 3, 0);
		if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
                         // here dest_data should be: 11, 22, 33 but it gets different values.
				// Failed to load, take corrective action.

Received value is always different than stored. What can be the reason?

  • Ok, I'd changed it to:

        retval = pstorage_load(dest_data, &block_handle, 4, 0);


        retval = pstorage_store(&block_handle, dataToStore, 4 , 0);

    but now I get retval = NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR when storing value.

    I think that I don't exactly understand how to specify size and offset. Can you explain it a little bit?



    static 	uint8_t receivedData[4] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
    static pstorage_handle_t persistant_memory_handle;
    static uint32_t retval;
    static pstorage_handle_t block_handle;

    Pstorage initialization

    static void init_memory(void)
    uint32_t retval;
    pstorage_module_param_t param;
    retval = pstorage_init();
    if(retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
    param.block_size = 0x10;
    param.block_count = 10;
    param.cb = storage_cb_handler;
    retval = pstorage_register(&param, &persistant_memory_handle);
    if(retval == NRF_SUCCESS)

    Event Notification Handler

    static void storage_cb_handler(pstorage_handle_t  * handle,
                               uint8_t              op_code,
                               uint32_t             result,
                               uint8_t            * p_data,
                               uint32_t             data_len)
           if (result == NRF_SUCCESS)
               // Store operation successful.
               // Store operation failed.
           // Source memory can now be reused or freed.
           if (result == NRF_SUCCESS)
               // Update operation successful.
               // Update operation failed.
           if (result == NRF_SUCCESS)
               // Clear operation successful.
               // Clear operation failed.

    Writing data

    retval = pstorage_store(&block_handle, receivedData, 4 , 0);
    	if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
    			// Store successfully requested. Wait for operation result.
    			// Failed to request store, take corrective action.

    Reading data

    	retval = pstorage_block_identifier_get(&persistant_memory_handle, 0, &block_handle);
    	if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
    		uint8_t           dest_data[4];
    		 //Request to read 4 bytes from block at an offset of 12 bytes.
    		retval = pstorage_load(dest_data, &block_handle, 4, 0);
    		if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
    				// Failed to load, take corrective action.
    			// Failed to get block id, take corrective action.
    1. It is possible to store data with pstorage_store if the place where you want to write is cleared (content 0xFFFFFFFF), you can perform multiple pstorage_store to store your data in different places inside your registered pstorage module, but only once each. If you want to rewrite some values you need to clear all module allocated flash memory with pstorage_clear before you can write new value with pstorage_store. 2. pstorage_clear function can only clear all storage block in allocated module, you can't just clear some of them at a time, so if you want to have database then before rewriting some data in some block you need first to get all data in blocks in buffer, then perform pstorage_clear and then write back buffer with changed values with pstorage_store.
    1. It is possible to store data with pstorage_store if the place where you want to write is cleared (content 0xFFFFFFFF), you can perform multiple pstorage_store to store your data in different places inside your registered pstorage module, but only once each. If you want to rewrite some values you need to clear all module allocated flash memory with pstorage_clear before you can write new value with pstorage_store. 2. pstorage_clear function can only clear all storage block in allocated module, you can't just clear some of them at a time, so if you want to have database then before rewriting some data in some block you need first to get all data in blocks in buffer, then perform pstorage_clear and then write back buffer with changed values with pstorage_store.
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