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sd_ble_uuid_vs_add() function returns NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM

Hello All,

I am following this tutorial.

I have modified  "nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template"  as per above tutorial.

While running application, sd_ble_uuid_vs_add() function in our_service_init() returns NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM error.

While surfing on this issue, some post suggested it is RAM related issue. 

So does any one suggest

1. What are the correct RAM parameter I have to pass when using  nRF52840 DK?

2. How to set RAM parameter using Segger (SES) IDE?


Hardware: nRF52840 DK (PCA100056)

SoftDevice: s140

IDE: SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM Release 3.34b

  • Hi,

    1. If you use a terminal on the PC, a message will be printed saying what you should change your RAM settings to.

    2. You can change your RAM settings in SES by following these steps:

    Right click on your project in the left pane -> Click on "Edit Options..."-> On the upper left corner, change from "Release"/"Debug" to "Common"-> Then click on Linker -> Section placement Macro -> Then change your RAM settings.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    1. If you use a terminal on the PC, a message will be printed saying what you should change your RAM settings to.

    2. You can change your RAM settings in SES by following these steps:

    Right click on your project in the left pane -> Click on "Edit Options..."-> On the upper left corner, change from "Release"/"Debug" to "Common"-> Then click on Linker -> Section placement Macro -> Then change your RAM settings.

    Hope this helps.

