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custom service or not

Hi U guys First I’m pretty new I use of bluetooth low energy, so bear with me. It is pretty simple, I need to send a temperature each 10 sec. or whenever it has changed.

My question is what UUID I should use. I could use BLE_UUID_HEALTH_THERMOMETER_SERVICE , because it is a thermometer, or not because it is not a health thermometer.

Maybe I should use a BLE_UUID_HUMAN_INTERFACE_DEVICE_SERVICE, or a virtual serial data stream.

A third option could be a custom service, here is my concern about the later test and certification, I would guess that it will be more expensive to certify a custom service, am I correct or not?

Or maybe there is another option that I’m not aware about, so please in light me ;-)

I think that the third option is the right way to go, but I’m not sure, hope somebody can give me a helping hand, thanks.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Yes, the third option, using a custom service is the correct way to do it. The reason for this is that "health thermometer service" and "human interface device service" defines those specific usecases. The main purpose of using predefined services is that BLE devices/centrals/(smartphones) that implements an application for given services, know the purpose/usecase/feature of a device with these services.

    The only difference when using a custom UUID is that you have to create your own accompanying application on the central side.

    There is no difference in the costs between using Bluetooth SIG defined service and custom made service.
