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DFU with SoftDevice7


I use ble_app_uart project (pca10001) and new softdevice7.

I find a DFU project at nrf6310 directory of SDK .

when i program both projects the uart application stop running. What is wrong?

How can i update standard ble_app_uart application with DFU?


Parents Reply
  • ._build\bootloader.axf: Error: L6220E: Load region LR_IROM1 size (16624 bytes) exceeds limit (16384 bytes). Region contains 2677 bytes of padding and 0 bytes of veneers (total 2677 bytes of linker generated content).

    Have this error when i changed TO: uint8_t m_boot_settings[CODE_PAGE_SIZE] attribute((at(BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS))) attribute((used)) = {BANK_VALID_APP};

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