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Harware issue with BLE, and use of BLE UART example

Hello everyone,

In my current application, I am using nRF52832, with the SDK 11.0. I have a problem with the BLE connectivity, which I think is a hardware issue.

With the nRF52832 DK, the BLE UART example is working perfectly. But when I use it with my custom board (with only the nRF and the BLE antenna, and not the PCA10040), the bluetooth connectivity isn't working, even when i remove the functions for the state, buttons and leds handlers (buttons_led_init and power_manage).

Here are my schematics : 

So my question is : is the problem coming from my schema, or maybe, on my PCB, the antenna is too far from the nRF ?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,


    What is CL, speficied parameter for your 32 MHz crystal? 8pF? Have you triple checked three times that your 32MHz crystal is not mounted 90 degrees off? Also, you're either having a 32kHz crystal present, or specify using the internal RC right?


    Seeing as this runs fine on a DK I do not believe that the SW is the cause.


    Best regards,



