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Problem writing to encrypted characteristic from Master Control Panel

I'm adding the bond manager to an existing nRF51822 s110 soft device project to enable encryption when reading/writing certain characteristics of a BLE service.

As far as I can tell, the pairing and bonding is occurring properly. When I connect using either the Nordic Master Control Panel on Android or using LightBlue on an iOS device, I can pair, bond and write to the characteristic without errors. However, using the Nordic Master Control Panel application version with the PCA10000 v2.2.0 under Windows 7, I receiving the error "Could not update handle 0x0011 with new value" as shown in the log below:

[12:49:07.3] C63D296C3F4C
[12:49:13.4] ConnectToDevice()
[12:49:13.8] ----------------------------
[12:49:13.8] Connected to device
[12:49:13.8] Role: 0
[12:49:13.8] PeerAddressType: 1
[12:49:13.8] PeerAddress (MSB): C63D296C3F4C
[12:49:13.8] Connection Interval: 20.0ms
[12:49:13.8] Connection Latency: 0
[12:49:13.8] Supervision Timeout: 3000ms
[12:49:13.8] Clock Accuracy: (1)
[12:49:13.8] ----------------------------
[12:49:13.8] Starting encryption
[12:49:13.8] Connected to C63D296C3F4C
[12:49:14.0] SERVER: Received packet <HciEvent: eventCode=0x0B> - <HciEvent: eventCode=0x0B>
[12:49:14.0] SERVER: Received Encryption Change Event
[12:49:14.0] Encryption change: Link encryption is ON
[12:49:31.6] UpdateAttributeValue(mode=1)
[12:50:01.7] Could not update handle 0x0011 with new value.

Is there any obvious difference between the Android and iOS platform from the Windows platform that would account for why things might now work under Windows?



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