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DC/DC Filter on NRF51822 AVDD

The NRF51822 series manual describes that an external LC filter is required to operate the buck converter. The reference design shows 1.001 uF of total capacitance to ground from the filter. Is there any benefit or risk to adding more capacitance here, 2 uF for example?

  • The nRF51822 product specification states 1.0 uF, so the official recommendation from Nordic is to use a 1.0 uF capacitor as C12 (component name from product spec). This is the component values used by Nordic during qualification and testing. If you use component values slightly outside this it will most likely be just fine, but if you choose a value too far from 1.0 uF you would in worst case have oscillations and the DCDC would not work.

    You should be fine with 2.0 uF as well, but would recommend you to test the functionality in your application.

  • Hi Asbjørn, would the 0.1uF do as well?
