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Why am I seeing an LL_REJECT_IND from the slave intermittently?

I have an nRF51822-based peripheral using the SoftDevice 110 v7.0.0 and SDK v6.0.0. The peripheral uses two custom characteristics under a single custom service. I'm using the Device Manager. The central is an Android app using the new Android L preview BLE stack.

About half the time the central attempts to connect to the GATT server, discover services, and bond, the connection is immediately dropped. Here's a Wireshark screenshot and log of when that happens.



And here are my security parameters:

// Timeout for Pairing Request or Security Request (in seconds).
#define SEC_PARAM_TIMEOUT                 30

// Perform bonding.
#define SEC_PARAM_BOND                    1

// Man In The Middle protection NOT required.
#define SEC_PARAM_MITM                    0

// No I/O capabilities.

// Out Of Band data not available.
#define SEC_PARAM_OOB                     0

// Minimum encryption key size.
#define SEC_PARAM_MIN_KEY_SIZE            7

// Maximum encryption key size.
#define SEC_PARAM_MAX_KEY_SIZE            16

I'd say this happens about a third to half the time. The rest of the time the connection is fine. Why is this happening? How do I debug this?


Here's the log from nRFLogger/MCP app on Android L:


  • Thanks Hung, have done that. To answer your questions, I'm testing with a Nexus 5 running Android L. This is all on a custom board so porting the ble_app_proximity example code to my board is not completely trivial but I'm happy to do that as a last resort. The app code is our own - I can test a bit with the MCP app but since the problem is intermittent it won't tell me much if I can't recreate it with the MCP. Not sure your MCP app is up to date with Android L either? It certainly runs on it but probably doesn't do any background scanning or use any Android L features. Is the source code for the MCP app available, btw? I can't find it on your site.

  • Thanks Hung, have done that. To answer your questions, I'm testing with a Nexus 5 running Android L. This is all on a custom board so porting the ble_app_proximity example code to my board is not completely trivial but I'm happy to do that as a last resort. The app code is our own - I can test a bit with the MCP app but since the problem is intermittent it won't tell me much if I can't recreate it with the MCP. Not sure your MCP app is up to date with Android L either? It certainly runs on it but probably doesn't do any background scanning or use any Android L features. Is the source code for the MCP app available, btw? I can't find it on your site.

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