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S310 and IAR I-jet load/run

I've been successfully using IAR and I-jet with the 51822 and S110. I can build, download and run under the debugger with no problems.

I recently switched to the 51422 and S310, starting with a port of the S110 application template project to the S310. I can build and download, but instead of hitting a breakpoint at main(), the debug session crashes and the last message from the debug log window is "Stopped by a vector catch..." with PC at address 0x00019416 in 0-filled memory.

The loaded application verifies correctly against the IAR-produced hex file using nRFgo Studio. If I exit the debugger and power cycle the prototype, the application appears to be running normally. I can connect to it with the Master Control Panel app on my Galaxy S3.

Using the 51422 with the device set to 51422-QFAA in IAR, I can build, load and run the S110 led/button demo app using the I-jet, no problems running under the debugger.

I'm using IAR EWARM, S310 v1.0.0, and SDK v6.0.0. I've updated the IAR .icf to reflect the application flash ROM base address at 0x00020000 and RAM base address at 0x20002400, and am using "--drv_vector_table_base=0x0" in the debugger extra options config. I've also #ifdef'd the "sd_ble_enable()" code block in ble_stack_init(), and removed the S110 definition from the preprocessor directives.

There doesn't appear to be an S310 demo app using the IAR flow in the 6.0.0 SDK. The IAR flash loader file names are all 15822 specific, although they seem to work with the 51422 and an application based on the S110. Is there some inherent problem running under the debugger using the IAR flash loader and I-jet with the S310 soft device?

Thanks and Best Regards, Matt Barr

  • A quick follow-up, I see essentially the same behavior using the J-Link Lite that came with the 422 DK. An application based on the S110 loads, breaks at main, and will then run correctly under the debugger. An application based on the S310 loads but does not break at main and gets lost. After exiting the debugger, this application verifies correctly against the .hex file using nRFgo Studio, and runs correctly when the 422 DK board is power cycled.

    Has anyone been able to get an S310 application to load, break at main, and then run correctly using IAR with J-Link or I-jet?

  • A quick follow-up, I see essentially the same behavior using the J-Link Lite that came with the 422 DK. An application based on the S110 loads, breaks at main, and will then run correctly under the debugger. An application based on the S310 loads but does not break at main and gets lost. After exiting the debugger, this application verifies correctly against the .hex file using nRFgo Studio, and runs correctly when the 422 DK board is power cycled.

    Has anyone been able to get an S310 application to load, break at main, and then run correctly using IAR with J-Link or I-jet?

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