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Data exchange through UART

I have nRF8001-DK and Arduino Uno. ble_uart_project_template from nRF8001 SDK for Arduino (Bluetooth_low_energy_for_Arduino_0_5_0_0_RC2) was used. It was used with Master Emulator with nRFUart sample code included. By using this template I can send string from nRFUart and recieve this one in Arduino Serial Monitor. How I can add functionality to send string to nRFUart from Arduino Serial Monitor?

And I can't start with ble_uart_project_modify_setup. nRFUart can't discover nRF8001.

  • Ok.

    Let me give a more detailed set of steps on the master control panel

    Master Control panel: Start Discovery -> Select "UART" -> Click button Select Device Click button Service Discovery, wait until Service Discovery is finished (buttons are disabled until Service Discovery is finished) Click button "Enable Services"

    Now you should be able to send data from SM to MCP.

    Please send me your feedback after testing these steps. I think you are missing the step of "Service Discovery".

  • Ok.

    Let me give a more detailed set of steps on the master control panel

    Master Control panel: Start Discovery -> Select "UART" -> Click button Select Device Click button Service Discovery, wait until Service Discovery is finished (buttons are disabled until Service Discovery is finished) Click button "Enable Services"

    Now you should be able to send data from SM to MCP.

    Please send me your feedback after testing these steps. I think you are missing the step of "Service Discovery".

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