Hi, I am currently testing some BLE sample code (the proximity code and hrs code) with the nRF52840 PDK and I am trying to just simply interface the GPIO interrupt example (pin_change_int) with either of these. I found this post (https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/19804/gpio-interrupt-with-proximitty-example) where it looks like they were doing something similar. All I did was copy the functions from the main.c of pin_change_int example to the main.c of the proximity example, added in the #defines for the LED and BUTTON, and put in the missing #includes. When I run this, it always stops execution in the app_error.weak.c at NRF_BREAKPOINT_COND;. From the other post I guess I am initializing GPIOTE a second time (the first being in buttons_leds_init() and the second being in the gpio_init() function that I added from the interrupt example), but I don't see how I should implement the suggested function nrf_drv_gpiote_is_init() to fix my problem. What part of the code would I put this in? I apologize if this is a really simple question, I'm very new to this all. Thanks.